Matthew Paine Music

Cheers! Cheer! Cheers!!!

Nice! When I studied composition a few years back, my main lecturer Warren Burt really pushed a lot of mid early/mid 20th century comp techniques. 12 tone ia a great comp technique to have in the tool kit. Happy to discuss!

Having fun with Pallete. I’m late to the pallette party! Stringy guitary tones directly inspired by a demo by Jim Frye. Thanks Jim! I thought aspects of his demo resembled a TOOL type bass and guitar tone and I wanted to give it a crack. Lots of subtle modulation on the pallette modules helping the wailing effect and loads of distortion! Cheers!


Superb! Great rhythm. I think I hear an occasional sample here and there. Were they triggered from and played within VCV Rack (which sampler?) or added later in the arrangement?

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The female vox, snare and hiphop sample are being randomly fired by a quad sampler. Bottom right patch. Added in the breath and broken glass sample post patch. Cheers!!!


Nice piece Matt with great sounds. Palette is a great module, first of all because it’s Plaits which is great, second because all the semi-hidden features of Plaits are broken out very nicely, to play with directly, and then it adds unique things that Plaits don’t have, like unison, plus it’s quite user friendly and uses little CPU. Extremely versatile module that can be used for almost anything.


Thanks so much Lars! I’m so ignorant! I had no idea it was based on plaits. :person_facepalming:

Chance driven random fire drum and vocal samples with random switching. All channels recorded separately and dynamically panned with Logic Pro’s Binaural panner. A strange experiment with no clear goal. Blindly following the creative pull with this one. Side note: I usually consider the binaural panning thing as a headphone experience but it sounds pretty trippy on normal speakers. Especially in my car for whatever reason. Cheers