I tried CVD, couldn’t get it working. Surely it can’t be that hard to take an incoming CV, copy it to multiple poly channels and introduce a phase delay on each channel, also pitching up a CV signal is much easier than audio signals?
Also Bisset ‘It’s Good Cholesterol’ can have multiple poly playheads with pitchshifting on an audio buffer.
I watched the RMR video, and honestly didn’t hear anything I particularly liked.
I keep forgetting about Shapemaster! Is it polyphonic? If not, it could be used to make interesting waveforms that can then are then ‘polymulted’ and phased. I found a way to do that with any CV, still working on it but will try and finish a tutorial at the weekend.
No it is not polyphonic.
I am looking forward with what you come up with!
I am still investigating options to approach the MultiMod. All elements are rather straightforward, but how to combine them? Especially the input part is interesting: it is not a cv recorder, but more of a delay/looper for cv I guess.
It is a fun challenge anyway and the insights already makes the effort worthwile. (This is a hobby of mine anyway: read manuals of synthesizers/fx modules/pedals which I do not own and try to come as close as possible to the concept)
I don’t know that adding polyphony would overburden the CPU - maybe it would, maybe it wouldn’t. I think the main impediment is code complexity from a developer standpoint.
Shame that Shape master isn’t poly, but the good news is I’ve found a way to do this, in a vaguely similar way to MultiMod! It doesn’t behave exactly the same but makes some wild modulation.
Yeah, I was sceptical at first but it’s a really interesting concept. Annoyingly, I wanted to do a similar thing as part of a PureData patch which I never got round to making, due to a lack of time and zero ineptitude for coding! I’ve been using polyphonic modulation for a few years in VCV and never thought to try and do the thing with having identical signals out of phase.
If you apply this to something like a polyphonic filter, it sounds like one filter when the signals are in phase, then it turns into lots of filters going nuts as you move them out of phase. I’ve tried a few phasers and flangers too, trying to think what other polyphonic effects we have that I can try next. Yet another rabbit hole…
As it turns out, using It’s Good Cholesterol by Biset is a really good start in approaching the functionality of MultiMod. It has a polyphonic multitap mode even, so the patch can be quite elegant. In absolute phase mode you can control the taps/playheads very easily. To be continued…
Yep, that module is a beast! I’ve used it for granular effects patches too, surprised you don’t see it used more often. I tried Stocaudio Polydelay, and that did nothing with CV signals but IGC works really well. The different modes give you different modulation too, ‘the phase beat’ creates something like sample and hold. The only mode that doesn’t seem to do much is grain, that keeps all the channels in phase.
Here’s an output from Shapemaster copied onto 16 channels at the same phase: