I’m trying to connect different modulators on a matrix to Geodesics Pulsars and rotate between the pulsar inputs. However, when adding different LFO’s on the matrix, the CV input on Pulsars’ rotation input goes above 10 and when it hits 10 the module doesn’t rotate again from the beginning.
So, it only takes values from 0 to 10 to rotate between the 8 pulsar inputs.
I want it to keep rotating after 10 CV so, what I’m trying to do, is making CV values above 10 to count from 0 again, or CV values below 0 to count down from 10. Convert 11 to 1, 12 to 2, etc.
I’m trying to mix a Sawtooth LFO that can go from 0 to 10 when used at maximum amplitude with other LFOs, but when adding the values from different LFO’s it easily goes over the limit of 10.
It’s not quite the sawtooth behaviour you’re after but RSCL can reflect voltages around the minimum and maximum if you go to the right-click context menu.
Try a modulo operation. There’s a couple modules that do it. Alef’s bits “Math” if you need it to be polyphonic, Submarine A0-101 is monophonic but tiny footprint and has zillions of other math operators, and “Modulo” from XTRTN which has the less mathematically correct but perhaps more musical behavior of wrapping just after the modulo instead of just before.
Start by trial and error? For me, that’s mostly how I learn.
Anyway, out of the 6 options in the Modulo functoin there, what you want is [X%C] and set C to 10. Your input goes to X.
And then if you need integers, send that output into a second instance of A0-101, set this module to Rounding [X+C] with C set to 0. Now it will wrap from the values 0 to 9.
Yeah sure I can try different things and intend to, but I literally had no idea how to use that module and I thought the person who suggested it would have a specific use in mind.
I will try that as soon as I can when I come back to this and I’ll tell you how it went. Thank you!
Observe how the lights of Pulsars rotate when changing the input voltage.
The patch is kind of clunky, but hopefully provides you with the effect you are asking for.
NYSTHI’s Modulo Magic is used to curb the signal to 0V-10V including a rollover. For negative input voltages, the signal is first rectified using AM/RM by Bogaudio and then subtracted from 10V to maintain direction of the rotation. The +/-50V input signal is generated with OFFSET by Bogaudio. You should replace it with the input signal from your combined LFOs.
The patch becomes a lot more straightforward if you allow only positive voltages as input (e.g. 0V to +50V, or can choose 0V to +100V by setting scale in OFFSET to 10x), because the stratification in positive and negative input values can be omitted.
This seems to be the same as the Formula One solution on the older thread I shared. It seems to work both with F1 and with the Submarine module. Awesome, thanks!
Only now I noticed this is for the remainder of a division. I know a little bit about programming and I hade some classes, but never heard about the term “modulo”. Maybe in my language they just use “remainder” in this case, at least for explaining the basics of programming.
Do you mind explaining this a little bit? I don’t think I’ll need to use all these modules for this, as another suggestion seems to work fine, for now, but I’m curious, as there are some modules here I didn’t even have installed. What do you use this for?
Great job! Now that I’m studying this solution it looks so simple…but I didn’t even know about the possibility of turning negative values into positive ones with the utility module. What a great solution, thank you very much
Thanks again! This was fun for me and I learned a lot, too.
As I’m always looking for manuals describing NYSTHI modules, I’m glad I found these three elaborate ones, including Modulo Magic, next to Gated Comparator and Infinite Melody.