Make CV over 10 start counting again from 0

I’m not sure if this is what you’re looking for, but the Phasor Mixer from HetrickCV can wrap signal into 0V-10V


It looks like it is. I’ll try this solution too, thank you!

EDIT: How do you get your Phasor Mixer module to be black?

Use dark panels if available V

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Thanks. It’s weird that there’s no option on the module’s right click menu.

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Yep, some modules have it f.i. BOG or Count Modula in the rightclick, but others will work with “use black panels” f.i. VCV (not all) or Hetrick. And then there is Venom.

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What’s up with Venom?

Venom makes you choose what theme to use for default or dark.


So you could choose a light skin for dark mode and a dark for light…


it is my “go-to-accumulate” patch

a source feeds a voltage that rise rise rise, and then I can reset the “accumulator” with a manual trigger or when a voltage passes a custom threshold…

or I guess maybe :rofl:

Some more info…

Venom Default Theme and Venom Default Dark Theme are stored at the plugin level which is in effect across all patches on that machine.

The Theme value for each Venom module instance is stored within the patch. The default and default dark only come into play if the module Theme is set to Venom Default. If not then each module is individually set to its Theme value, regardless whether VCV is using dark panels or not.

The default “factory” behavior if you never change the Venom theme settings is to follow VCV dark setting. If dark is off, then Venom uses Ivory. If on then Venom uses Coal.


Like I said, and then there is Venom :wink:

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