Hello Rackheadz! This is a out-of-the-canon topic, I guess. PREAMBLE: I am not a programmer, not even a bit. I cannot work on it. Damn. This is just the offer of an idea.
I have seen a lot of nice plugins that generate casual or pseudocasual impulses and I have a lot of fun with them. Some of them are even pleasant to watch!
Now, yesterday evening I was playing with an Android app that replicates the Conway’s game of “LIFE” (Conway's Game of Life - Wikipedia) as well as other cellular automata like Langton’s ant (Langton's ant - Wikipedia), Brian’s Brain (Brian's Brain - Wikipedia) and so forth.
And I had the idea you already know by now: why not apply these automata to VCV?
The concept is really not new nor difficult, as far as I have seen: a toroidal square grid (Torus - Wikipedia) of a given dimension where cells can live, move, breed and die accordingly to the rules choosen: Conway, Langton, Brian or whatever.
The impulses can be driven in a way like NYSTHI BOH!NGLER does but:
- the grid must be a torus (it can be a plane as well but a torus is way much cooler and let the cells live indefinitely AND produce indefinite sounds)
- the grid must be a little bit bigger than the BOH!NGLER…
I don’t really know how BOH!NGLER works so I am just poking in the dark but:
- moving cells can produce impulse, accordingly to their X,Y positions
- the death of a cell COULD (or could not, not really sure about) produce a sound
- the birth of a cell produce a sound, both because of its birth and accordingly to its positions
A lot of CAs (Cellular Automata) also uses colors to underline the generations: a generation is the state of the whole system after a certain amount of time: what cells are alive, what are dead, what have moved and what are in a stable system. Cells of generation #7 will be differently colored from cells of generations #1. Colors are used also just for aesthetic purposes, why not?
This could be applied to FM, PITCH, whatever (different colors = different values) and it is a discrete internal state (it is not a continuous VC flow) so it can be used in very different ways (like a discrete counter).
It could be awesome to LOAD preconfigured “DPD” or DIGITAL PETRI DISH where a certain amount of cells are pre drawn and once they are loaded they start to grow and evolve. This has been inspired by the music of Jerobeam Fenderson (https://www.youtube.com/user/jerobeamfenderson1): he makes music that “DRAWS” oscilloscope pictures so I asked myself why not make music that DRAW CAs patterns instead?
The challenge is that CAs can die and, of course they should not: they should survive, they should be pleasant to watch and to listen to and, if colours should be used, they should also be good looking coloured!
Too bad, as I stated at the beginning, I am no good at all in coding or I would have started to work on that because I have searched around and there’s nothing similar about this thing. It’s something unique, new.
I have one and only one request: IF someone will start working on such project, I would love to be remembered and credited as the one who suggested it first. Yeah, a bit narcissistc from me but that’s the only request.
Following, there are some links of CAs you can watch and play with to have an idea of what these things are and how they work.
http://www.turnerbohlen.com/langtonsant/ http://www.langtonant.com/ http://jimblackler.net/life/
And now I can only watch and stare, dammit! Or maybe keep on learning and in a couple of years trying to make the plugin by myself… Dunno… First let’s talk about it.