Kinsey Dulcet Patch Thread

Will do. The transposing hack is still neccessary with the NSYTHI module so it was actually great getting confirmation that I wasn’t the only one thinking about it that way.

Are you okay with me fixing the JI on your patch and bundling it on Patchstorage with the original? I like your take on the sub bass better and am happy to credit you in whatever way works.

Sure, no problem. You can relax about the challenge rules. Certainly people will like if you do follow the “rules”, but no one will be upset if you don’t exactly follow the guidelines for a patch challenge. The main purpose of the challenges is to provide inspiration, and there is no winner, other than all of us.

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Oh, I forgot to mention, of course I like your patch a lot, which is why I invested time in translating it into all free modules. And I was excited to see you using Venom! I have gotten lots of positive feedback, but I have yet to see Venom show up in many patches.


This article I wrote a few years ago shows the SIMD difference pretty clearly, and of course shows how to make good use of the CPU meters in rack. click here for link

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I fully agree. I try to avoid the term 'rules ’ in the first place.

What I consider to be most important in the submissions though is that anyone else is able to listen to and explore the patch, and enjoy and learn from it. So I believe that audio/video and a patch file with all-free modules should at the least be honored.

Many thanks to you, Dave, for helping in the all-free adaptation!


Thanks so much! I’m glad you enjoy it and have captured it’s essence so well! I’m looking forward to sharing what you’ve done with a wider audience and am so glad you caught those quantizer errors. The patch is greatly improved for it not to mention the other improvements. I’m hoping to upload everything with comments and a new video by Monday. I’ll just sub out the Just Scaler for the VCV quantizers as you said and detail the other changes, especially regarding microtonality. I believe I got the Poly Scala working doing the same thing in the version I made after I figured out what happened with the tuning. I want to test it out more because being able to load .scl files is nice even if the transposition/root key feature requires attention in anything but C. But your patch sounds nearly identical and the docB is very true to the quantizer usage in the original patch, it’s the ideal substitute.

The challenge is great! I’ve been enjoying the patches a lot, I was just going through the thread this morning and catching up. I need to download some more of them, there’s a lot going on! I can certainly appreciate the guidelines for using free modules, this was really more a case of me diving in with Rack 2 and forgetting what I purchased in those first few days before I fell down the rabbit hole completely. I looked up my receipts to make sure I don’t make the same mistake again.

Regarding the Venom modules… I can already tell I’m going to be using your HQ module extensively soon. I did something similar with the docB RTO in a patch I have up at the moment but yours has subharmonics. Which I want to chain to do complex harmonics like 13/17 with CV in a patch to just wander the different harmonic combinations through some kind of modulation like ring mod, FM. So I can see myself using a bank of those in an upcoming patch to create a pad very clearly.

And then I use the Knob 5 and VCA Mix a lot when I am building patches and also a lot in conjunction with the Computerscare Debug module to figure out voltages or as pre-mixers. But then they get removed later on. I use them all the time though. Compact and feature-full.

However, I downloaded your entire library since we talked and I’m looking forward to using more of the complex modules like the specialized scale quantizer and rhythmic sequencer. I can see there’s a lot of great stuff! Really appreciate where you are coming from with these modules

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Attached is the JI version with the docB quantizer on everything. As far as I can tell! I doublechecked all the v/oct leads were leading back to the quantizer and it looks like it but I wanted to run it by everyone before I make a new video and write the comments.

Thanks Dave for your help on this and your keen ears!

Ocean Refrains Free Version v1.2.vcv (40.9 KB)

My new patch is on Patchstorage & YouTube, it’s called “Martian Crests” and is minimal feedback noise with some electro percussion. There’s a lot more info in the patch notes if you follow the links!

Martian Crests v1.0.vcv (58.6 KB)


You might really enjoy these Kinsey: VCV Library - Sapphire

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Thank you, Paul! These look fantastic! VCV is just amazing. So glad I found it through the Surge Team Discord.

I wanted to ask you, does your PolyGnome receive clock? I’ve used the reset button and it seems to stay in sync but I’d like to chain some of them together, it’s a very versatile clock divider!

It doesn’t but that’s pretty easy to add, at least add bpm cv and then you could chain reset, or I could add an expander version which adds another n clocks really easily too

That would be really cool! The easy access to beats and divisions is great, very intuitive. I’ve been using Biset’s Regex a lot recently for similar reasons.

I’m pleased to present the final version of Oceanic Refrains thanks to Dave Venom’s bugfixes! Check the Patchstorage for notes. Here’s some links:


Wonderful piece!


Hi, everyone! I made a patch I call the Rhythm Spirograph. It’s a very modular drum programming tool and can potentially be used for performance as well.

I’m not planning on releasing it yet but I spent the weekend making video about it to explain the concept. I wrote a bunch of BASICally code that could be the seed for a future module or even a VST down the line. I don’t know, but I feel like the idea has some legs, I’m just not sure where to go with it quite yet.

I have a rough cut of the video here. It’s unlisted for now because I still need to add captions and do my final editing pass, but I would appreciate any feedback that I can incorporate into the final version. Does this interest you? Lmk!

Rhythm Spirograph #1 : Introduction [Edit: This is the final cut of the video, the earlier version has been taken down]


I find this type of thing very interesting. I will be interested in seeing your BASICally scripts eventually.

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This is fascinating, and your video explains things very well. I want to know more, so I am glad you will be releasing more videos as you develop this idea.

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I just added a new patch to Patchstorage and video on YouTube for my SapphireFix Challenge. Super happy with this one! These challenges bring out so many great videos and compositions, the thread is worth looking at if you are unfamilar.

Patchstorage Link for “Broadcast Daydream”

SapphireFix Challenge April 2024


I did my final version of the Rhythm Spirograph clip from earlier in the thread, this is the current link. I’ve been trying to get into a workflow with editing and this video was a major milestone. I will be releasing the patch soonish and will follow that with another video that contains more explanation of how the interface works and how to grow beats with it with some intention.


Cool! I look forward to hearing and seeing more about you experiments in melodic and harmonic sequencing, since that is where my interests lie, with generative composition.

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