Is there any source, website or book out there with beginner flow charts/circuit diagrams about modular synth setups?

Is there any source, website or book out there with beginner flow charts/circuit diagrams about modular synth setups?

Any made for vcv rack in mind?

I would be interested to see a document containing a lot of these sort of diagrams? Would really help me practise and understand things as I learn better this way than videos.

This is an example of what i am talking about

A nice resource, also with flowcharts is this classic:

Also the manuals of all Moog instruments are very informative. You can download pdf’s freely

1 Like Not specific to VCV, but a good resource for sure. And of course there is the book “Patch and Tweak”, a worthwhile classic for beginners.

Omri Cohen did patches from the book for VCV, see here

The ARP 2600 Owner’s Manual might not be a bad choice, particularly since it was written when synths were still a new thing, so it doesn’t make assumptions about the user’s previous knowledge. And I’m nostalgic about the ARP 2600 because it was the first synth I had ever touched, yet it was real easy to get the gist of.

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I don’t own this, but I noticed it on Amazon recently: “Dozens of example patches with hundreds of programming tips”

Apparently there’s one for Korg as well:

There’s a good selection of material in this thread:

I can recommend Roland’s “The Synthesiser” set. More info in my post in the above thread.