i can has automation?

hi id love to automate the Shape Master lfo length but it seems unable. is there a way to do this? id specifically love the choose an lfo speed per note and also maybe add a slew to how fast it makes the change…

Something like this ?


micromap? amazing. i was unaware! of course i could feed it any automation source yeah? thanks man

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im a noob-ish to vcv but not to synths.

so i added it in the library but how do i find it in the plugin? ive added a few but dont know why others ive added arent showing.

thanks for your mercy

Type “map”


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Always add/subscribe to the whole plugin (never select a few).

PS after you installed the plugins (red light next to library afbeelding

You need to restart Rack.

Does one of the above answer your question or do you mean something else ?


shape master is amazing!

is the clock in worth $30?

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for me it is worth more than 30,-
but other might not need it.
And I find it a good way to support the developers by paying the modules.



It’s not only the clock in, it’s so much more


can i become willy wobble and the jump up factory with shape master pro?

it seems inspired by serum

$150 with all the options. Is it worth it–relative to the alternatives?

the expanders arent included?

what is $150?

wow. $150 for all the companion modules? that strikes me as way too much money. $30 for all was making me think about spending but $150 just makes me back away honestly. how did you guys get more expensive than ios apps? i think they sell a lot of apps. maybe consider that? or maybe theres not as many users… oh well i certainly cant afford prices like that as i assume the rest of the pro titles are around the same.

Shapemaster Pro is $30, including all its expanders: https://library.vcvrack.com/MindMeld-ShapeMasterPro.

I believe @TemporaryUserName was referring to Serum being $150.

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oh ok my mistake. that page is a little misleading. $30 is totally acceptable

serum at $150 is sooo worth it. but vcv rack is pretty badass too.

serum will be the plugin i run inside vcv rack

No, I just misunderstood the web page. I thought each expander was an additional $30 because they all have that price. I may be an idiot, or that page may be misleading. Both are equally plausible!

in VCV Rack a “plugin” usually means a collection of modules, you can see in the library all these modules have the same label

if you click on that label you go to the page of the so-called “plugin”, and you see what you get for that $$$


the beating frequency of audio rate modulations can be restarted? i have not been able to do it, although i have a specific frequency defined by midi velocity sent by reaper, the phase is not reset by a note on. can i do that somehow? do i need the paid version? and can i still do audio rate modulation while synced to tempo in the paid version? how does keyboard ammount affect the audio rate modulations?