i can has automation?

so i tried the reset patch point with a trigger coming from the input from reaper panel but it doesnt seem to do anything. im sorry i know this is basic.

if I understand correctly, you want to know if it is possible to reset/sync the cycle of a modulation source. it depends on the modulation module itself. if there’s a reset/sync button yes, otherwise…who knows? it depends on the module.

to get the velocity or the note on just use the MIDI-CV module (and some logic if needed).

p.s. could you please change the title of this discussion? I’m not english native speaker and I still don’t understand what are you asking, and I guess I’m not the only one…

there is a ‘reset’ patch point on shape master. it doesnt seem to do what it says. i guess i need to post a screenshot.

i can has cheezburger is the meme i emulated for the title. youve never seen it?

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I think the main crux of this title being odd, is all of modular is about creating unique things that move and breathe. Thus we automate many parameters all the time, either completely fixed pattern automation or random or somewhere in between. So the answer is always yes, we automate and you can has automation.

But you need help with something slightly more specific. So you will get the best response by being specific.

The reset on Shapemaster is an old fashioned reset to beginning of the window, if you need it to continue like an oscillator reset, send the reset pulse to a mult and and then the triggered start and one sample later it will continue. Another way to go is use a phasor type scan like an lfo to move the playhead and then reset that lfo.

Midi signals move very slow compared to audio rate modulation, so any crosstalk between these worlds will have jittery results. Midi inputs into VCV are not always a huge success when used to syncronize either. Maybe this is the underlying issue for you is midi between reaper and vcv. Shapemaster works as labeled. Maybe send an lfo from the reaper world to the vcv world and see if that scan at audio rate the Shapemaster window, then reset the lfo in reaper as needed, just a thought.

i can has automation the question was answered with the first few posts. the note on ‘strt’ given at the ‘midi to cv’ panel wont send a pulse at note on? thats pretty specific. but youre saying it needs further processing to… i wasnt clear on this part: to delay it by a millisecond? by the way, the audio rate modulation im referring to comes from shapemaster, when its output set to audio rate. im not attemping to control shapemaster with audio rate modulation from reaper. im using midi velocity to tell ‘micromap’ where to set the speed parameter per note on. that works but id also like to reset the phase of the modulation coming out of shapemaster for that note. do i make more sense? im patching the ‘strt’ from vcv racks ‘midi to cv’ panel to the ‘reset’ input on shapemaster and it doesnt seem to have the desired effect. the modulation ‘beating’ does not reset, it would make much more musical sense if it did. so im sure im an idiot, could you confirm for me please?

What is driving the movement of Shapemaster?

Is the note event in question within VCV? Could the gate for that note reset Shapemaster?



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So we don’t need to reset ShapeMaster. Just reset the rising saw used to push it.

Yes reset the rising saw or phasor and it will reset the playhead. But you could also use a rising saw from Shapemaster itself to drive the playhead and then you can reset Shapemaster with the reset.

When you drive the playhead with CV from outside Shapemaster the reset on shapemaster does NOT reset at all.

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I know, it is foolish to expect reset and use a phasor at the same time, the one rules out the other. How can I reset when I am cv driven and cannot follow anything but a phasor?

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@Yeager pretty cool to use a phasor from within SM

Yes it is but it’s making the “buy to use the clock” a little less urgent.

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you guys are genius. i have some studying to do and thanks for all the input so far. i do intend to buy shapemaster as its really fun and super close to exactly what i was looking for! i do have a question though: when you push shapemaster to audio rate, what is the effect of playing it with cv? can it be made to follow clock and also be driven to audio rate with cv?

to whomever made shapemaster, its one powerful reason to like vcv rack!

I don’t know every way to use ShapeMaster and haven’t tried it exactly like you would use it.

CV acts like a clock in this instance and you don’t need another clock if you drive it with cv.

it just scans the length of a cycle according to how fast your saw is moving, if you send it a vco saw shape, it will follow that ( at audio rate) and when you need reset, just reset the vco. and everything connected to that phasor clock will reset instantly, and phasor do not have to be solely a rising saw, you can make strange cycles by using a shape the deviates from the saw, like use patterns from p-16 from docB to make it jump around the window and consequently make a odd output shape or a falling saw shape to travel the window in reverse or noise that will output more noise