I see this document (date: 6 years ago) Rack/res/ComponentLibrary/RackBusboard.svg at v1 · VCVRack/Rack · GitHub
but do not work today, the file do no exist in my local computer, have vcv rack pro 2.5.2
I see this document (date: 6 years ago) Rack/res/ComponentLibrary/RackBusboard.svg at v1 · VCVRack/Rack · GitHub
but do not work today, the file do no exist in my local computer, have vcv rack pro 2.5.2
I like using DanT’s Purfenator to load custom backgrounds
It’s called Rail.svg now and is in :
C:\Program Files\VCV\Rack(2Free)\res\ComponentLibrary
There are 3 versions light/dark/normal.
wow amazing !!! thanks for share that module
glad you like it, you might find the module thread interesting