"How do you rename your files?" (Draggonrabbit63 question)

There has been a very short discussion in the chat of the last @Omri_Cohen video, about how do you (in general) name your files:

Dragonrabbit63: ​Omri, I’m curious, how do you name your files? Because I personally have more then twenty odd WIP files, and was wondering if I could get some naming inspiration!

rsmus7​​: I use the Date, maybe the main module I use and a a kind of description like drum or melodic or… and version numbers

Dragonrabbit63​: Thanks! Mine are mostly WIP 1, WIP 1 with sequencer, WIP2, … etc, stuff like that, or random words, I could swear I have a song called bob!

So here is how i name my patches (and all those i download, too), for if it imay be of help for someone here:

  • Generative Patch #<num>[.<version_number>] (short_title) [<author> - <date>].vcv

a living example (original patch):

  • Generative Patch #27 (New Echoes!) [Josep - 11.04.19] (after checking the new Alright Devices’ Chronoblob2)

and subsequent versions of it:

  • Generative Patch #27.01 (New Echoes!) [Josep - 11.04.19] Generative Patch #27.02 (New Echoes!) [Josep - 12.04.19] Generative Patch #27.nn (New Echoes!) [Josep - 03.05.19]

Sometimes i add the name of the main module also to the short title, and i also keep all the patches in their own author’s folder (i.e.: ‘mine’, ‘omri cohen’, ‘basics’, ‘andrew mercer’, etc.).

Of course, any other suggestions will be welcomed.

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for private use:
vcv rack patches/yymm/dd <name or description>[ v<version_number>]


Personally I just make a folder and give it some sort of relevant name to the patch and then its just wip_01 , wip_02 etc.
I really wish vcv had an incremental save function linked to a shortcut. It would save breaking the creative flow to do some housekeeping.

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Excuse my ignorance, but i’m just curious…

All of you seem to use the WIP acronym in your file names, which stands for…? :thinking:

Work in progress. Often (for me at least) “in progress” is somewhat of an exaggeration :wink:

WIP = work in progress

as I wrote yesterday on youtube my patch names look like:

or 2019_04_13_interzone_melodic_sequence_3

using the date first makes it easier for me to see the historic developement :wink:

When I can, I name my files after some key feature of the tune. “Bouncy” or “diminished” or “big swirling church organ.” Sometimes the key feature is a sound. Other times its a mood. Other times it’s an intention, like “deadmau5 melodic structure practice.”

All I need the name to do is remind me, so that if I have an idea for some WIP, I know which file to open. I don’t need names to do anything else, or to mean anything at all to anyone but me.

When all else fails, I use the date.

I have the worst naming scheme possible:


I really should do something about that …

This would be useful only if all of my tunes sounded alike. Oh wait; they do.


Well, what I tried to say in the stream is that I usually give “track” names for my patches because usually I use them for my music. In most cases the names come also before I start a patch as a sort of inspiration to where the patch should go musically. If I’m “just” fiddling around or I’m learning a new module, I usually don’t save the patch, it’s also part of the fun, letting go and starting from scratch…


I’m still in the process of learning the basics, discovering what modules do and how they work. So I often name my patches after its most meaningful modules, or kinds of modules. That makes it easier to find the right patch when I need to remember how something works.

In the past, I’ve used names that are novel, but that I can easily tie into memory.

for one, when Geodesics came out, I was on a Final Fantasy (videogame) kick, so when I’d assembled an “instrument” for lack of a better word (a specific selection of modules) that seemed to work cohesively together, I named the patches using that instrument “Geomancer#” (with # being the Nth iteration of that instrument.

I’ve only just started with VCV but I think I need to take some tips from this thread, I can’t really remember what a lot of these are.

Mine all have stupid names with the BPM and sometimes with the scale if i’m using the ScalaQuantizer but I mostly don’t bother saving

A good way to finish WIPs is to whip yourself while your folder is still full, every unfinished project is another lash!

A better way is to make some sort of schedule and stick to it, so you might focus on finishing things for 2 weeks per month or do it by the phases of the moon or whatever.


I guess another good question to pair with this one: Who uses notes in their patches, or at least the Submarine TD202 Vertical text?

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I just sort by date created if I want to do that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’ve been thinking recently that I could really use some sort of version control system - with branches and rollback and so on…
Wonder if I could turn my patches folder into a working git repo?

32 posts were split to a new topic: HowTo: Set up a github repository for your VCV patches

I start with some base name: horse.vcv

And each time I want to save a new version, I “save as” with a new name that includes the old name as a prefix. For example: horse-spooky.vcv.

Then I keep going, adding a -<whatever> each time I save-as. If I want to go back and re-branch, I can load horse.vcv and save some new branch as horse-mellow.vcv.

This certainly pollutes my patches directory, but I try to only save the patch when I get something cool, and it lets me easily see how the patch evolved.

I’ve updated my naming system:

  • crap1.vcv
  • crap2.vcv
  • garbage1.vcv
  • garbage2.vcv
  • unbearable1.vcv
  • unbearable2.vcv
  • justgiveup.vcv

I make a directory “Name of current patch something” under patches for each patch I’m working on, and in that the patches are called #1, #2, etc… when the patch is done I name it, save it in the patches directory and delete the sub-directory with all the intermediate stages.