I purchased the Host software a few days back and have managed to get my Elektron Heat and Digitone working flawlessly bar one thing. The 8 channel host plugin works great but my digitone has 4 seperate outputs (4 X left and right output), 1 summed output (all 4 channels through one L/R) and an effects output (another L/R output). Problem is that it outputs the sum to channel 1/2 and then the next 3 channels on the digitone got to 3/4, 5/6 and 7/8 therefore missing the last voice. I see on the Analog 4 you can reroute the voice outputs but I don’t see that option on my digitone hardware. Does anyone have any ideas or do I use another host for the last channel? This I havent tried yet.
I remember tackling this some time ago. I don’t have a Digitone right now to check but I seem to remember using the main channel for Output 1 and decoupling the others from within the digitone/overbridge to use the remaining outputs. It is possible AFAIR.
6.9 MULTIPLE OUTPUTSThe plugin exposes multiple audio outputs to the DAW. The first stereo channel is always the Main Out of the device. The remaining plugin output channels are the individual outputs from the synth or drum voices (plus Ext. In on Keys/Four) on your Elektron device.