Delexandra Volume 1 -- Source update available

A test release (v2.1.4) of the source code for Delexandra Volume 1 is now available for testing, for anyone able and willing to compile for themselves.

New since v2.0 is a significant new feature: the Carrier Sum output can now perform an average rather than merely a straight sum. In fact this is now the default behavior, though old patches will remain unaffected. Both options are available via context menu.

I think that this makes more sense in the context of a mixer such as this that is facilitating FM synthesis (i.e. an FM algorithm). To me, the addition or removal of oscillators to/from an algorithm is more-often-than-not intended only to modify the timbre of the end-product rather than changing its amplitude. I think it’s fundamentally different from adding an instrument to an ensemble, for example.

This also applies to the Modulator Sum output on Algomorph Advance, and I think it also makes that output more interesting.

For both the Carrier Sum and Modulator Sum outputs, this averaging is performed based on the current morph-state (so if you are morphed halfway between a 2-op and a 3-op algorithm, the average will be correctly calculated based on a 2.5-op algorithm) and it is therefore also polyphonic.

Feedback, feature requests, and bug reports are welcome as always. Happy new year to everyone. :v:

(P.S. check out my test patch!)


Congrats on the glorious preview/review from Jakub! He really shows your hopefully soon to be released module some love.


Awesome - just built and look forward to trying them out

Great job on the interface - these are very beautiful modules.


I really like FM/PM. Very versatile and so many unique options. But…alas, FM/PM has a bad rep for being “complicated”. And many are discouraged to even start exploring it.

And…very true…it can soon get “complex”. Especially when compared to basic subtractive VCO → VCF → VCA.

In VCV (or modular in general) the wiring mess needed set up an “algorithm”, especially as the number of operators increases, is a bit of a nuissance. Changing an “algorithm” requires again more cable wrangling.

As with a lot of modular stuff, you also need a lot of knowledge on how stuff works/interacts to get meaningful/predicable results.

To reduce complexity many “FM” implementations are limited to a (low) number of operators (e.g. 2, 4, 6, 8) and a low number of pre-wired algorithms (e.g. 8, 32, 45, 88).

A much more flexible (and as a result more complex) implementation is the “matrix mixer” solution that is used in e.g. NI FM7/FM8. But this needs a lot of “understanding” of the effects of turning the “knobs” in the “nodes”.

Thats just intermodulation (between operators), not even considering all (optional) feedback paths back into itself or back into any other operator(s) in the chain/matrix. Adding that every operator has the option to be a carrier (audible audio output), a modulator (FM/PM) or both, this results in a lot of permutations and potentially complex networks.


Having read about AlgoMorph and having seen Jakub Ciupinski’s recent demo, it seems the Algomorph concept and implementation will make FM/PM al lot more accessible/manageable. Reducing complexity, while still maintaining a high level of flexibility.

Effectively offering an abstraction for a large number (nearly 2000) of “pre-wired” algorithms, where the option to access the output of multiple operators to have multiple carriers sure adds to functionality.

Seems brilliant in its (deceiving) simplicity. Hopefully it will invite many (deeper/back) into the wonderful world of FM/PM.

Very promising. Thanks.

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