DanTModules New Releases Thread

Ya know . . . the CV inputs expansion module is just a little bit . . . creepy, the way it seamlessly melts into Purfenator. Make purfect sense though. All expansion modules should behave that way.

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ScreenHunter_931 Mar. 14 09.04

Wow, absolutely brilliant! The new feature has been working perfectly. It’s implementation is smart looking too! This helps me enormously. The ‘smart rearrangement’ is now, usable. Everyone should check it out. Thanks,@dan.tilley

Cheers, g~

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New March preview build beta 05 is available here

OK, finally got something that I am semi-happy with.

The new module is called Little Pig and it is a bit weird experimental feedback distortion.

I will create a new thread just for the module


v2.4.39 is available in the library now, it includes:

  • Module browser text for Purfenator to make it easier to see and understand
  • Makes BrightIdea non-destructive to VCV Rack settings
  • New module Little Pig

I’m going to slow down just slightly this quarter, so the next beta will be over April & May.

Currently there is nothing on the TODO list, so might as well have a new poll to see what’s interesting to everyone.

And of course, please raise bugs on my GitHub if you find anything, and make suggestions here for any small features or tweaks you would like to see.

What should I work on for the next beta preview build during April & May?

  • Girth, stereo enhancer & goniometer
  • WAVULUV (Wavulike v2)
  • A new Neon Oblique experiment (thinking about a flanger)
  • Some sort of guiro/cuica type of module
  • Expanders for certain modules?
  • Improving CPU & adding polyphony?
  • Something else (leave a comment)
0 voters
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Over here it seems like there is some minor dissatisfaction with the GOTO module, maybe I should look into creating a module that does something useful with Pan & Zoom, with CV inputs and possibly presets/memory banks…

Anyone interested in that?


I have often thought that a photoshop style navigator would be a useful module. That way you could stay zoomed in but still navigate around a large patch. Is this the kind of thing you were thinking?

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That is a very interesting idea, not what I was thinking of, however…

A module that has a mini-map of the current patch would be totally awesome!

I think it would be possible to create something like that, since the positions of modules are stored in the autosave and patch file.

And similar to the Biset blank module, I could make the mini-map overlay on top of the whole patch.

:zap: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :zap:

I will have a play around with this when I get time, thank you for that comment!

Actually, I think this type of feature is something that could be considered as best implemented as part of Rack itself, obviously I will still explore the idea unless/until @Vortico says something like that is being added :star_struck:

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Hey everyone, I am back after a little dev-holiday… it’s good to recharge & refresh every once in awhile.

I haven’t forgotten about the poll above (which modules need CPU improvements or polyphony specifically?) however, while I was creating my VCV + Chill tracks, I realised that I needed a module to control elements of my patches during long playbacks.

Initially I used NYSTHI - ExpiredTime which performs great, but I found I had to use multiple instances because I needed more than 3 events, and I also had to create complicated setups to manipulate the simple trigger into something like a repeating gate or envelope…

So, as is typical for me, I just decided to make a module that would be able to do what I wanted.

Time Lord

It is still in testing for now, but you can try it out with my v2.4.40_beta01 here:

I will create a dedicated thread for the module for feedback and with some docs shortly


Somewhere along the line the theme context menu options for the original modules got broken, v2.4.41_beta02 should fix this

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Sorry about the flickering bug in the v2.4.41 release, here is a beta build to test, hopefully it should fix the issue, and as a bonus I added a small feature to Purfenator, please let me know if this build is all good


All is good now :+1: (Sorry for messing up your Charlie Foxtrot thread) :blush:

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v2.4.42 is now in the library, this should fix the flickering and includes the hide .vcv option for Purfenator, but it does not include ZAM yet, it still needs some thought/work.

You may have noticed that recent modules use this community forum instead of my GitHub manual site, so FYI future modules will not be added to the manual, it can be considered deprecated, but I will leave it in place for now.

If/when I update older modules, I will create new threads for them here and move over the documentation, it is always a hassle to update and reduces my productivity, eventually it will go away…



Thanks to @cosinekitty for the crash report


I don’t understand. r u getting rid of documentation, or something else?

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Something else I guess, when I make an update to my plugin it is fun and engaging. When I have to update the documentation for that update, it becomes a chore and I do not find it fun. This is made worse because the documentation is a Hugo site published on GitHub pages, so even a small update is non-trivial.

I find writing a community forum post much more agreeable and engaging, so my intention is to use forum posts as the documentation for my modules.

New modules will get dedicated forum posts to serve as their documentation. I do realise this probably represents a lower quality product, but that is preferable to my stopping development I think.

The existing site does not currently require maintenance, so I will leave it up. If any old modules get a significant update then I will create the new documentation for them here on the forum.

If there comes such a time when all the modules in the plugin have documentation here on the forum, then I will shut down the old site.

Yes, writing manuals is not that big fun. For my stuff, I more and more produce short videos in addition to (and in some cases to fill the gap of non-existent) written manuals.

When a user hits Ctrl+F1 s/he should be taken to a manual or even a link to some place where more information can be found.

Well, I’m old fashioned for sure. For me you can’t have a “quality product” without a manual. That said, one of the primary reasons I “got out of the VCV business” (the first time!) was that the ecosystem is such that there is very little incentive to take all the effort to make a “quality product”.

So, as many others have said, you can only spend the time to do what you want to do while making a module. And if that means making modules without manuals, that of course is just fine.

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Since i use your modules in every patch I for one think you made a quality product. I also use VCV, Vult, Stoermelder, Frozen Wasteland, and JW Modules in every patch.

There’s enough great modules any that are funky or hard to figure out, I just don’t bother with them.


DanTModules v2.4.43

  • Moar Cowbell!
    • New preset: goldtorizo - PVC Bass.vcvm
    • New preset: ScreenSlave - Soul Limbo Cowbell.vcvm
  • 5Splice
    • Graphical updates to modern style
    • Added a manual Trig button
    • Advance Mode tool-tip now displays current mode by name
  • Purfenator
    • Bug fix for crash when loading a patch or module selection when Audio module has No device status

I have submitted the update to VCV Support so it should be pushed to the library soon.

This is the first of my OG modules that I have updated to the new style, replacing the SVGs with a programmatically drawn panel. Although I have added a manual trigger button, the other changes are all visual, so the module should be fully backwards compatible with old patches.

For reference here is how the updated 5Splice compares to the old SVG version and its big brother PolySplice:

Once it has been updated in the Library, I will create a dedicated manual thread for it… (edit: created)