DanT.Synth Noodles

Recently I was talking with a friend about how there is a certain type of music that is good while working from home, this gave me an idea to create a podcast, the goal was to create tracks that are about an hour long.

Music that you can put on while you work that kills the silence, but doesn’t actually distract you from focusing on what you are working on.

For example:

That was the plan anyway, I have created a few tracks, and I started a Spotify for Podcasters account, drafted my first episode and scheduled it publish this weekend…

Then I got a copyright strike email from Spotify and they suspended my account, which did not feel pleasant at all, since I had created the entirety of the content myself.

There was a link to an appeal form, so I explained how I was not infringing on anyone’s rights and submitted it.

I got this response from Spotify:

We want to ensure that creators are using the appropriate channels to share their content with our users. Spotify for Podcasters should not be used to distribute music tracks, DJ mixes, or similar musical content. Spotify reserves the right to remove podcasts that violate this policy, regardless of the licensing status of your music.


So anyway, tl;dr I published my first VCV and Chill episode on Bandcamp instead, it is probably for the best…