DanT.Synth Noodles

Here is the patch & background image (be warned though it uses the commercial VCV drums).

Dirty Generative Pigs.vcv (11.0 KB)

edit: when you load the patch, you will probably need to click this button to make sure the flip flops are in the correct starting state (they should be on to activate the mutes)

Thank you, I’m sure I have the VCV Drums, so I should be able to mess it up. Thanks for the background as well.

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Recently I was talking with a friend about how there is a certain type of music that is good while working from home, this gave me an idea to create a podcast, the goal was to create tracks that are about an hour long.

Music that you can put on while you work that kills the silence, but doesn’t actually distract you from focusing on what you are working on.

For example:

That was the plan anyway, I have created a few tracks, and I started a Spotify for Podcasters account, drafted my first episode and scheduled it publish this weekend…

Then I got a copyright strike email from Spotify and they suspended my account, which did not feel pleasant at all, since I had created the entirety of the content myself.

There was a link to an appeal form, so I explained how I was not infringing on anyone’s rights and submitted it.

I got this response from Spotify:

We want to ensure that creators are using the appropriate channels to share their content with our users. Spotify for Podcasters should not be used to distribute music tracks, DJ mixes, or similar musical content. Spotify reserves the right to remove podcasts that violate this policy, regardless of the licensing status of your music.


So anyway, tl;dr I published my first VCV and Chill episode on Bandcamp instead, it is probably for the best…


Uh yeah, F%@k Spotify, they make it easy for criminals to wash their money and even play games to get more money out than went in and make it hard for a creator to ever see a red cent for their honest work. You aren’t really making any community their just running with a blind herd.

The track is obviously all yours and is all gorgeous. Nice work. I dont have an ounce of patience in my musical body, I want to get more silence and space into my works, you are a bit of inspiration.

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Just published episode 2 of VCV + Chill to my Bandcamp

Yes, I did use Time Lord in this patch :timer_clock: :robot:

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is this a famous classical piece that is being mutated?

Not intentionally, but it may coincidently be similar to one, what were you thinking of?

I built this patch just trying to get randomly strummed chords in an Eb minor scale…

The first few notes reminded me of the infamous “Pachelbel’s Canon in D”.


I’ve heard the tune before but I am not very knowledgeable when it comes to “classical”, so yeah, pure random chance that it sounds like something else… :game_die:

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Oh, I’m sure it’s a coincidence. btw, that piece is pretty ubiquitous. You may have heard is somewhere without knowing what it was It’s been in a lot of movies and TV shows: Johann Pachelbel - Credits (text only) - IMDb

I recently cancelled my Adobe subscription and switched from Premier Pro to Davinci Resolve, this is my first video edit since and I have to say I am very satisfied with the change and pretty chuffed about not paying £650 a year anymore (I also switched from Photoshop and Illustrator to Affinity and so far happy with that too)


This video also uses a chromakey effect, and the “wind” is not from the timelapse video, its filtered blue noise


What can I do with the docB Pulsar?


Hardware noodling with my new case

Thought I might try some generative streaming while I am working…


great :notes: didn’t expect over 3 hours of :level_slider: :control_knobs: :radio: :musical_note: :loud_sound: :+1:

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My webcam was a bit dodgy, i might try another one tomorrow if i get time tonight to make a new patch, the other webcam is a lower resolution but hopefully the exposure works properly. Swan songs… lol :swan:

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Well, I think this is as good as the webcam setup is going to get, my older webcam is full HD but the auto exposure seems to stop working when the unit gets hot, the slightly newer webcam is only 720p but the exposure seems to work a little better and the image is a bit sharper…

Already got some cow action (hard to see on the crappy webcam though) :cow2: lets see if we get any swan action on day 2 :swan: