Hi, I’m trying to create a patch that stops automatically after N number of steps. Easy, just use a sequencer that has a EoC and plug that into clock stop input. Doesn’t work in my case though
I’m trying to create a patch that I can use for recording samples for my Digitakt. I already created one, and posted it in PatchStorage (Digitakt sample generator | Patchstorage), but its a crap.
In my initial attempt I used Gate Delay, from HetrickCV, to keep the gate open and recording on. With 60 BPM and 1 second delay, no problemo, works fine…ish.
But what if I want to use 30 BPM? I can manually dial the delay so that there is no cap between steps while recording is on, but I don’t like manual operations
So I’m trying to create a system where the port is kept open from start to finish PLUS the time for one beat in the BPM setting used.
Any ideas? Or do I just have to swallow my pride and adjust the delay when I change the BPM.
If you just want to count the clock pluses up to a certain number, then you could use my Kalkatron module
Alternatively, you can use uneven pluses, or divide the clock pluses into divisions and use these to create envelopes or triggers for certain periods using my Charlie Foxtrot module
Or finally, if you want a specific constant BPM, you could use my Time Lord module to simply create a trigger after a particular length of time
To be honest, I’m not sure what I need but I think I need a way to create sequence where gate is kept on for N number of steps, but the sound is procuded only for N - 1 steps.
I think I have solved the problem. Not the coolest solution, but seems to work. The only complaint I have at the moment is that the BPM for the clock and for the gate length/delay calculation, doesn’t seem to match exactly. But at least this way I can adjust the BPM from one place and the required gate length seems to be adjusted accordingly.
CLOCKED provides the clock pluses, you are free to change the BMP to whatever you want
Channel 1 of Charlie Foxtrot starts on beat 1 and has a length of 7 (just an example)
Channel 2 of Charlie Foxtrot starts on beat 1 and has a length of 8
The End Trigger output of Channel 2 stops the clock
The Env output of Channel 2 is the gate for n-steps
You can pass the sound into Channel 1, it will only be output between beats 1 and 7 (n-1 steps), if you want the sound to immediately start and stop, you can set the rise and fall to 0, otherwise you could make the sound fade in and out using those controls
I’m probably doing something wrong, but even with Charlie Foxtrot, I still need the gate delay and length calcuulation: I need a way to keep the gate open for the entire recording, or otherwise Recorder will create several files.
OK, after using the env output and after adjusting rise and fall parameters, it works. But if I change the BPM, I need to adjust the fall parameter again.
Gate will stay on period off N + 1 steps, but I will reord only N steps. The above patch works, but if I change the BPM I need to adjust fall parameter for the 2nd channel so that it stays on as long as it takes to ‘process’ one clock cycle. Desired solution is that by just adjusting BPM, everything else is modified automatically.
maybe this works?
it stays in sync with the clock and waits for the next clock pulse before turning of. (use the HOLD control on the push module for generating a held gate)
The clock is white.
The gate is blue.
The ON is green.
The OFF is red.
OFF turns the gate off in sync with the clock.
It also arms the off trigger to the delayed gate. It will therefore wait one extra clock pulse before turning off.
I didn’t quite understand your patch @koen.kaptijn but using Binary Gate gets me almost there - it simplifies the patch nicely, but unfortunately last gate is too short.
Feed the gate into a D Flip Flop that is clocked with the same clock as whatever is generating the gate. Logically OR the gate and the flip flop output to get a gate that is 1 clock longer than the original gate.
In the current VCV you don’t even need an OR module anymore: just connect the two gates to an input and it will do this automatically.
But using a dedicated module for OR logic helps understanding it ofcourse.
Thank you all for your comments and suggestions, especially @koen.kaptijn for his video. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get any of this to work the way I wanted: probably because I did something wrong - I’m not the most advanced VCV Rack user out there!
But after few beers in the evening and a morning coffee, I found the solution that works exactly I want it to. Use two counters: one for counting the ‘notes’ and one for the gate.
In the scope, red lines are the triggers for the note selection, and green line is the gate for the recorder. Left side Push starts everything.