Calculating gate length

Hi, this is kind of continuum to my older post - Can I do this - #19 by kimmo-laine.

I’m still struggling with the automatic-Digitakt-sample-creator-patch…thingy. I can start the recording and after a N number of beats/sounds I can stop it. While trying to use those samples in DT, I noticed that it would be nice if I could create a fade in/out, in order to reduce clicks.

So, todays question is: how can I create a gate that last N beats, minus X milliseconds?

I have tried to use Gate Delay, from HetrickCV collection (VCV Library - HetrickCV Gate Delay) - it would be perfect for this kind of thing: it has a CV for the delay and for the gate length. Unfortunately the user manual link doesn’t seem to contain information for this specific module. With trial and error, I have noticed that with 120 bpm and cv signal with value 0.46, I can create a gate that last almost as long as one beat.

I can do this by hand, so that I first adjust the BPM and then the gate length, but it would be nice if I could adjust only the BPM and then required gate length is calculated automatically.

Any thoughts?


I think that the BASICally module can handle this type of problem (create a gate of desired length) The necessary calculations can then be automated in this same module An example is given in my video:

To see if it is adapted to your expectations…


Thank youuu!