Blamsoft is back .. just great !


Sorry, but this problem persists with the latest. Under Windows in standalone, XFX upon Rack launch and patch load outputs an extremely high, apparent NaN, value approximately half of the time. This redlines Mixmaster and pops my speakers. This happens around 1/4-1/2 of the time.

Somehow, the problem is very likely to occur if I save the patch and exit Rack and renter. If the autosave is loaded, the problem is much less likely to occur.

Yes, we’re now aware of this. Developer has been contacted, there were separate issues, one was fixed in the most recent release, the other one wasn’t.

Edit to add: we haven’t been notified of a loud noise on launch. Please email

Done. Thanks. BTW, the problem occurs 100% of the time upon patch load/reload but not so often with Rack reload via the patch autosave file.

Thanks for the reply! Will definitely check this out asap. On a short break, but had to check the forum haha.

Yep definitely remember that, exactly why I was happy to pin it down to just these Blamsoft plugins and let everyone know. Seems to be fixed in 2.01 and very happy they are back. Did miss those Blamsoft plugins in VCV Rack 2.

Damn still a bummer I can’t get these to install on my steam Deck via arch Linux. Was able to get them to work on my MacBook at least. Anyone have a solution to get these to extract and install properly on Linux yet?