Befaco modules development blog

Easy question first, they are snappy in VCV version. I think the hardware version might filter those “fader” CVs for noise (it does for other CVs at least), and maybe too agressively (leading to the slewed like envelopes you see). I see you have an open issue on github so maybe there’ll be a fix to make them more responsive.


Of course VCV filters manual movement of most controls anyway, so this kind of think normally isn’t needed.

Just bought Oneiroi 2.0.0 and have a question- supposedly there is ‘noise’ in the Looper channel as default, but I can’t get any sound out of mine. Also, when I switch to [WT] from SS (Supersaw), I can’t hear any of the 32 waveforms. Is there something I should be doing to activate these? Even Omri’s patch that specifically uses the noise and wavetables won’t work on my system.

VCV Rack Pro Win11 latest version of both.

I’m not at home and can’t look it up right now. But I remember that there is an option in the right-click menu where you can switch on the noise for this channel.

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You are correct, sir- I overlooked that somehow. Fixed the WT problem too. Thank you!

More on this- Oneiroi does not seem to be saving its buffer after activating the noise/WT, or after loading a wav file. I tried saving a preset of a functioning copy, but loading it didn’t work. Had to reload via the context menu of the module.

Hi - I’m not sure I quite understand the issue, but just to clarify:

  • Oneroi’s looper buffer and the wavetable buffer are the same, so when you clear, change, edit, record the looper buffer, the wavetable buffer reflects that too.
  • Buffer should be saved when you save your VCV project
  • There are 32 discrete chunks of looper buffer available as wavetables, but there aren’t (say) 32 wavetable presets like you might get in (say) Fundemental WT VCO
  • For new instances, Oneiroi’s buffer starts out with white noise, and noise can be restored later from context menu
  • AFAIK, presets just support setting particular knob (or parameter) values, so a present wouldn’t/couldn’t restore a sample
  • Currently duplicating a module doesn’t duplicate the buffer (not sure if this is even possible either)

If you still have issues after the above understanding let me know!

It sounds to me like you are both saying the same thing - this module does not save its buffer contents in a patch. Designer is saying “it does not save the buffer in the patch”, and OP is saying “I wish it did”. Or am I misinterpreting this?

No, it does/should store it’s buffer contents with a patch. If you save a VCV preset then it doesn’t (can’t easily?) restore buffer contents (nor does it make too much sense to, to me at least).

That said, at least one user has reported an issue restoring the buffer on reopen when in vst mode and I’m awaiting more input to progress that. So if anyone also has this issue let me know.

Not saying this is entirely needed, but Sickozell samplers duplicate buffer contents when you dupe the module. Occasionally this has been a time saver. Do not know if this would apply to your sampler, but one plug-in does this behavior.

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OK, I think I understand how the buffer works now… but my experience so far is that the contents of the buffer (whether noise or wavfile) is not saving with the patch ‘on my machine’. Is this the expected behavior? That when loading my or someone else’s patch I must re- activate the noise or re-load the wav file to Oneiroi? Does it work the same if I use it within a host as a VST?

Sorry you’re still having issues, maybe somethine weird is happening. I can’t reproduce yet, but I’ve opened an issue on github to track progress: Oneiroi Buffer sometimes doesn't restore on reopening Rack · Issue #60 · VCVRack/Befaco · GitHub

If the module doesn’t do the expected behaviour listed on that link, can you please post the log.txt that you get on re-opening Rack on github or dm here, thanks!

Cool, that would be a nice feature to add in next version, bookmarked!

@hemmer would love to hear an overview of the new releases today, seems like they are updates to get the rack modules current with hardware designs, but maybe some new tricks in these units as well

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Hi there, the hardware modules release tomorrow so I’ll post in the announcements thread then. As much as I’d like, it’s not straightforward to sync up library releases (I find at least)! But to be fair, it’s hard enough maintaining the library process without any extra overhead of specific dates etc…