Befaco modules development blog

At least @hemmer 's input 2 is working. Mine isn’t :wink:

So good that you are working on the VCV versions of Befaco modules. Is there any audio of this version? I always love a Multifx module, is that what Oneiroi is? Much appreciated. Just looked on You tube.

It is a drone synth in it’s own right, what a beauty as well. Dark ambient in a module huzzah. Hopefully the licensing can be sorted out.

Sorry for the radio silence here, we’ve been working behind the scenes to make this happen. Basically the current plan is to release Oneiroi as a one-off premium module, and so we were making sure we have the proper dual licensing agreements in place with all contributors (a big task in itself).

The reason for doing this is Oneiroi is a bit different to previous modules in that it’s required a huge effort to first bring hardware and firmware to life, and then additionally the VCV port has required more than usual effort to port. By making this a premium module, we hope to fund both my time and all those involved, and to also complement and fund future VCV work for free Befaco modules. The default arrangement will be for the majority of Befaco modules to continue to be free (as in beer) and open source (GPL-v3-or-later).

In practical terms, I’ll be looking to recruit a small number (~5) of beta-testers - license keys will of course be given for all those who help out there, so DM me if you are interested in this! Thanks, and hopefully not too long until this is available :slight_smile:


This is another good point for VCV allowing commercial open-source plugins, to get compensation for hard work. Open-source doesn’t imply it has to be free.

People could manually build and install Befaco, but that is not realistically in reach to most, also I think the integration with the store (automatic downloads and updates) makes it all worth it.

Going the proprietary route is a bit sad, though understandable as there is not really a choice on the VCV platform.

PS: VCV calling proprietary modules “Premium” and them being distinct from “Free” and “opensource” is an awful way to present things, as if open-source plugins could never achieve “premium” status.


Yes all reasonable points with which I agree and “paid yet open source” would be my preference probably.


I’ve only heard of Oneiroi about two weeks ago and then really didn’t investigate further out of fear of disappointment and now saw this thread and topic on the top of the list and :star_struck:

YES! And you can take my money, of course, please.


I haven’t built one yet. It’s such a complex module that I feel it is wise to wait for a board revision or two. Its complexity and depth are why, of course, it has been a huge job for you, and one which I’m entirely happy to pay for.


Befaco Oneiroi

Just a little status update, a tonne of work here - huge thanks to beta testers @Jens.Peter.Nielsen @rsmus7 @Steve_Russell @contemporaryinsanity and others! We’re just waiting on the upstream firmware to finalise (v1.1) which will go out to the hardware at the same time then we’ll be ready to go. Also various things to sort out on contract side, but hopefully not long.

One nice suggestion was light up indicators for some alt params (filter type, filter position, octave, modulation type): :heart_eyes:

Befaco Free: Bandit and Bypass (+bugfixes) v2.8.0

While we wait, there are a couple more new modules to the main collection.

  • Bandit is a fun combination of band-pass filters, VCAs, and routing options. It serves multiple functions including equalizer, crossover, multiband VCA, 4 band spectral mixer, and spectral external FX insert point. I’ve had a lot of fun even just with simple waveform in and pinging the VCA with different rhythmic envelopes, lot of fun!

  • Bypass is a new collaboration with Robin Vincent aka Molten Music Technology. A Stereo bypass module to gate control the send of your signals to your favorite effect! Molten bypass features a hard/soft bypass control, to hard cut the return of your effect or allow the long tails of your reverb to stay after you bypass the effect. Also a gate/latch control to use either triggers or gates for control and a gain control for the returned signal. Vult Bypass is very similar, but the hard/soft switch and FX gain might make this a useful addition.

  • Misc

    • Octaves/Noise Plethora - avoid allocations on the audio thread :scream: (thanks @4ms)
    • EvenVCO - I intend to incorporate the re-write that adds hard sync to this release. I don’t actually have the module though so if anyone does and can share how waveforms reset on sync rising edge please let me know!

Both should work natively with polyphonic signals (though also handle all mono FX returns). Bandit might be a first: “in VCV before it makes it to the shops!”

Builds in the usual place for the curious!



ICYMI - any evenvco owners with a scope that can confirm exact sync behaviour welcome

The Befaco Free updated has been now submitted to the library :tada:


when are we gonna get Oneiroi? cmon im checking the library every 3 hours hoping it to show up lol

I think contracts are signed, we are just waiting for the firmware to stablise for v1.1 (you can track that here, it’s a bit out of my hands! :slight_smile: ).


Hello Hemmer!:slight_smile: v1.1 seems to be out. any chance for an Oneiroi nightly or release!? really eager for this one.

big thank you! fabulous work with Befaco plugs.

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Good timing for your question! Basically we’re hoping for the plugin to be out around 16th Dec, or thereabouts. Code is stable / ready for release. FYI there won’t be nightlies for this one as it’s a premium module, a group of beta testers have been working very hard!


Will you nicely wrap it, for under the tree? :star_struck:


hemmer: is today the day?:slight_smile: thnx


Yeah, no rush but I will say that my 24 knob upgrade to my Nanokontrol will arrive today :smiley:

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Yup coming today, 19 CET! We’ll have a proper announcement in the Announcements section. Special thanks to @contemporaryinsanity for absolutely rinsing this thing during beta testing and going above and beyond to track down some rare (as is randomise x4 Oneirois once a second for a day) bugs. :medal_sports:



I am an early adopter to the Oneiroi in Hardware, and have been absolutely delighted by this wonderful instrument- and wanted to check something that a few of us have been talking about.
After watching Omri’s video… he seemed to get percussion and instant attack and decay out of sending a gate to the volume CV. … My HW does not act that way.

Are the envelopes in VCV much quicker than the hardware version? or is there a chance a few of us have hardware versions that are slow enough (Vol CV in) that there is a issue with CV amp? I don’t seem to be the only one with a hardware version that is slower in response.

When feeding a gate on my hardware version, compare my a faster gate response (Pony VCO) vs. the much slower .

the gate used was a 10 volt gate that was slightly longer than .1 seconds. The bottom was a ponyVCO.

Is that typical, is something off on mine? Am I misreading what happened in the video? I hope to get the VCV version soon to AB this with…

oneiroi vca waveform