ARM64 Crostini Chromebook Build [Done: A bit hacky]

And as it stands I have one copy of the gcc build here, and the distribution archive of other built repositries no longer contains a copy so as google drive is a clone there is no drive copy to distribute.

Okay, so that would apply to any GPL V3 licensed plugin. Thanks, for the clarification. I thought you were saying that there was something specific about my plugin license.

I think the correct reasoning is that your distribution is not compatible with my GPL V3 licensing, not that my plugin is not compatible with GPL V3.

I don’t have to affirm my rights under section d) for your licence. It doesn’t say I have to distribute binaries of your source. Anyone who has already downloaded it can follow instructions, find your source, or maybe ask me for a copy if you delete your responsibility under the GPL from github.

I’m not going to delete anything.