Announcing Polyphonic Macro Oscillator 1 / 2 beta

yeah it is, Peter just consider his pretty cool imho design, that how the original should looks like)

Don’t get me wrong, I love your mods, that gate length thing you did with Marbles is great, and so is this poly MO, and I’m no programmer nor a graphic designer, but the first thing I thought of seeing the “break-out” knobs for the LPG was the image I posted. I have no idea how much time/effort is involved in making the module look like this. Thanks again for your hard work :+1:

It would probably be very fast for someone who has already worked a lot with the SVG designs (and the code needed to place the GUI elements), but it’s very slow and painful for me because I haven’t worked much with those. I think you will have to live with the new wider design. :wink:

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Version 1.0.4 with compact GUI redesign as suggested by Peter Vos and implemented by xandermogue. (I think the GUI may need to get bigger again in the future if it’s desirable to have the LPG modulation amounts as independent parameters too…)


You Rock ! Thanks ! :heart: and thank you @xandra-max :+1:

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This is fantastic, thank you.

Do you have any plans to pick up the two new ones at some point?

I just plugged this into a patch I’m working on. It’s brilliant!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Thank you very much! Sorry for real geek request but I’ve noticed that new CV inputs LPG color and decay don’t receive poly modulation, only the first mono input in poly cable. Is that possible to implement poly cable support for this new and awesome CV inputs or the code of Plaits doesn’t allow to do that perhaps? I also have another geek ideas, for example an expander with output of internal AD generator (which is also can be a poly one if that I’ve requested above is ok)…also anticlick\fade feature for the MODEL input, attenuverter for Harmony knob; two models playing at the same time (for example GREEN and RED together which are in the same LED position) and adding outputs for secondary playing mode to the expander. Yeah, your moded Plaits can drive me with crazy ideas)

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polyplaits polycon.vcvm (1.1 KB) This is a preset for Bogaudio’s POLYCON which, when patched into the Model input here, sets each of Plaits’ 16 channels to a different model. A polyphonic cable must also be patched into V/Oct to get the module running polyphonically, by the way.

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that’s freakin awesome! thanks. LOW CPU becomes a must have option for this kind of connection. and thanks for collected voltages for models input, maybe will do some reduced preset for only needed models for the moment.

The poly inputs for the LPG parameters can be easily added. (With some added CPU use, of course…) The other stuff is a bit too involved to think about the moment, especially anything that would require more GUI work. Regarding the GUI : I didn’t realize even the small changes done so far might not be allowed by Mutable Instruments’ license, I have to check about that with the developer. If the developer doesn’t agree it’s allowed, the GUI needs to be changed. I am not prepared to do a lot of work for that, so it’s probably then going to be a really basic and ugly GUI done entirely in the C++ code.

Smooth changing of the engines would probably require doubling the amount of engines and crossfading between them. They all wouldn’t need to run constantly all the time, just during the crossfades, but it could start having some memory impact…(I have not yet investigated if the polyphony is needlessly using too much memory already.) Another approach would be to fade out the current engine, do the switch and fade in the new engine, but that would cause a level dip in the sound.

All great (testing windows build) Thank you, this is super usefull!

Crazy sounds!


Version 1.0.5, with polyphonic CV inputs for the LPG parameters :


Cool&nice! Did you get the answer about the design from Emelie? Wanna teasing it worldwide already!)

Yes, there’s a permission to use the modified GUI designs.


Excellent. Do you have any plans on making more Audible modules polyphonic?

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I got Macro Oscillator 1 (Braids) running a couple of days ago, but I need to test and tweak it a bit more. I will then probably look into Modal Synthesizer (Elements). But I might want to actually play with all this stuff myself too, so Elements might not be happening any day soon… :wink:


What a strange thing to do :stuck_out_tongue:

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That’s the coder’s right!)

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