Must admit I’d like to play with Pams Pro to see how much better it is than my hardware Pams New Workout. The daft thing is there’s potential for a VCV based one to be more hands on than the hardware one as you could map loads more parameters to hardware controllers.
Am I going mad, or is the Mix control missing from this module? I spent a few months away from VCV Rack and when I came back, I noticed that it is no longer there. Has this happened to anyone else?
The mix control is in the parameter menu.
Late to the party, but I got this a few weeks ago. The effects algorithms are great, but it seems to forget settings. For example on the Digi-PCM algorithm, if I set bandwidth to CV1, every time I open the patch it’s reverted to 6khz. Same for the clock multiplier parameter.
So is the multi instance still an issue for anyone?
multi instance still crashes vcvrack here…
( intel mac )