Announcing: Allieway Audio Series I

Hello there! Super excited to announce the official release of Allieway Audio Series I , my first collection of original VCV modules. Series I launches with 3 modules exploring fresh and unexplored territories in modular synthesis , with two additional modules to be added soon (as well as a 6th bonus treat, making the $10 pricetag less than $2 per feature-packed module! ).

In-depth videos on each module in this series are coming soon, and detailed manuals can be found here.

Regarding the $10 pricetag for this collection: I am an Electrical Engineering student, and will use any money raised from sales of these premium plugins to help me pay for food and textbooks. I want to make many of my modules into real physical Eurorack modules in the near future!

I also plan to continue releasing free modules as well, with more already on the way - thanks so much to anyone who supports me :heart:

Check the modules out on the official VCV library here: VCV Library - AlliewayAudio Series I

This thread can also be used for submitting any questions or issues you have found - you can also reach out to me anytime on the Allieway Audio discord!

Thanks so much for reading :slight_smile:


Just realized I should also say a bit about each of the modules just released (though you should definitely check out the manuals for more in-depth explanations!)

  • BUMPER is a “Quad Stepped Voltage Accumulator”, a completely unique (as far as I know) concept inspired by serge and computer programming concepts, with a myriad of uses as a CV generator, LFO, clock divider, glitchy oscillator, and unique utility.

  • KOAN is a MU-law Compander (compressor/expander), a process originally developed for telecommunication - it can encode and decode incoming audio or CV into a squashed form, which can be processed or modified on the passage in-between to result in incredibly organic distortions and transformations. It can also act as two separate waveshapers, VCAs, or even a mixer. It has built-in noise generators (white and pink) to allow for radio-style interference crackling, though anything can be “peppered in” to the mixer section, even feedback!

  • CARTOON RUNNING! is Circuit-Bent Newtonian Physics. Can be used a signal woggler, unstable Oscillator / Envelope / Chaos generator, or as a rather crazy audio effect! Warning: This module has a mind of it’s own - use caution (and a limiter if you’re using it for audio)!"

Have fun! :smiley:


Insta-buy because of Koan :wink: … I’m a sound designer, and the description of that module in the manual - and your evident expertise on the subject matter - convinced me without even listening to any examples, hah! Extremely interesting modules, thanks :star:


Thank you so much for your support (and leap of faith, due to lack of audio demos!) Koan is a wonderful tool for sound design, I use it often as both a waveshaper and an end-of-chain effect, it’s really great at warming everything up and giving stuff a more organic, shortwave-radio-transmission vibe, haha :stuck_out_tongue:

Now that you mention it though, while I work on making the in-depth youtube videos for each module, I can certainly share some of my own audio demos from each module:


  • Being used to process audio from Plaits, with a Vult Filter inserted in-between the Encoder and Decoder stages: koan_test1.wav - Google Drive

  • Processing human speech from the voyager golden record. mu-law encoding was originally invented to help speech be transmitted long distances, so it’s quite effective at this task, helping reduce the difference in intelligibility between loud and quiet despite a very noisy and distorted connection: koan_voices.mp3 - Google Drive

  • Processing drums (again using a vult filter as the insert!): koan_drums.mp3 - Google Drive

  • As a standalone Noise generator, ranging from white/pink noise to vinyl crackles and shortwave sparks - try feedback patching for even more varieties of noise!: koan_noise.mp3 - Google Drive

  • As a waveshaper, processing a simple sinewave LFO using the “!?!?” clipping mode while modulating the MU amount - note that there is no modulation being done to this LFO’s speed, it’s all from the nonlinear waveshaping taking place! sinewave_weirdmode.wav - Google Drive


  • A very simple ambient patch with just one plaits and one quantized bumper being fed by a sequencer, with some post fx. I like how using bumper to “sequence” can often result in stuff which sounds like there are more than 1 voice at play, due to how it jumps around and makes counterpoint bumpermelodi.mp3 - Google Drive

  • Quantized Bumper sequencing rings into Koan: bumper_trio-better.mp3 - Google Drive

  • Sending audio-rate oscillators into Bumper’s trigger inputs, invoking various Atari-Demons bumperdemonic.wav - Google Drive

  • Sending a drum loop into Bumper’s inputs, resulting in gnarly digital results: amenbumper.mp3 - Google Drive


Do note that these are very open-ended modules though, and there are far more ways to use them then the ones illustrated here - these are just some fun starting points, stay tuned for the videos for even more ideas :slight_smile:


Insta-buy because of Bumper :stuck_out_tongue: - but cartoon running is really nice too. Just improvising around at the moment without the manual, but it’s great fun.


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Have lots of fun, and be sure to share anything cool you make here in the thread, would LOVE to hear it! Also, if you don’t wanna crack open the manuals just yet, you can read a nice quickstart intro by just right-clicking the module :grin:

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And bought! These look great and I really appreciate the detailed manual, something that is really overlooked these days. Can you post a link to your YouTube account so I can follow you? Looking forward to the videos :slightly_smiling_face:


Just purchased! Really enjoying Koan so far.

Any chance you can enable polyphony on Koan at some point in the future?


Thanks so much :heart: So happy you appreciate the joy of a nice manual - I have personally spent many a cozy evening reading manuals for synths I don’t even own :laughing:

And thanks for catching that - my youtube is simply Allieway Audio, sorry for not sharing it higher up! It’s been in a bit of a slumber recently, but it’ll be back in action very soon (hopefully the next few days!) :slight_smile:


Thanks a ton! And this is a good question - I’ve debated with myself whether to use polyphony for my modules, especially since I am also using VCV as a testing-bed for physical Eurorack modules where such functionality would be impossible. It’s also complicated by the fact that my modules are often patch-programmable and feedback encouraging, which can get quite confusing sometimes with polyphonic modules IMO.

Another small bump in Koan’s case is that it uses a good chunk of CPU already due to it’s oversampling AA and heavier math functions used (though I’ve used approximations when able), and that a lot of times I like to use Koan as a “global” effect, rather than a per-voice one, which would require workarounds with polyphony. However, I will say that I do have polyphony on my list for future Koan updates, and want to see how useable it is. A possible compromise would be releasing a polyphonic and monophonic version separately - would that be acceptable, do you think?

Thanks so much for bringing this up, and for supporting me, it means a lot! :slight_smile:


Two versions could work, or you could do something similar to the VCV MIDI module and have a menu item for the max number of polyphonic voices (defaulting to 1/mono)


That’s an intriguing thought! Will give this some consideration, stay tuned :slight_smile:


These manuals are such a treat. Thanks for taking the time to go the extra mile!


Yeah, an extra :heart: for the manuals!

edit: my first, cursory test drive featuring your suggestion to use Bumper for beats :slight_smile:


Congrats on the release, these are all great!

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No problem at all - so happy you’re enjoying them, lemme know if anything isn’t clear enough :grin: :heart:

And ty so much @Dewb , thanks you for your help, still excited to do a collab sometime ^^

And this is killer @purf , love the free flowing rhythms you’ve got going, ty so much for sharing, makes me really happy to see what people create! :smiley:


purchased! thankful for your Orca tutorials, and these look fun. cheers!


Thanks so much, you’re very kind :slight_smile: And I’m glad, there are more videos on the way soon, so sorry for the super-long hiatus, haha!


awesome, looking forward to 'em!

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Hey @AlliewayAudio, I have a feature request for Bumper, do you accept those here or should I use your github?

At the moment the Jump-Size uses always the full range as base, if I see that correctly. Let’s assume I am using a bumper for melodic stuff while setting lower bound to 0.4 and upper bound to 0.5 (limiting the output to one octave) - then one semitone is 0.0083333 on the Jump-Size (when set to linear). Let’s say I would like to modulate Size from there to sometimes jump two or more semitones, then scaling the CV at the modulation-input is very sensitive, for example an attenuverter set to 0.01 scaling would already result in constant wrap-arounds. It would be much easier to dial in, if the base of the jump-size is the range between lower and upper bound and the added CV from the modulation input is scaled accordingly.