Announcement: VCO-101 almost ready for release

Hi there!

my little project, an analog modeling VCO, is almost complete:

I am quite happy with the sound. Example:

Regarding the GUI, I have contacted Roland and asked them to greenlight my little project.

The plan is to release it open source and for free.

I hope to announce the release soon - as soon as I have the ok from Roland and the remaining (known) bugs are fixed.

Cheers, Gernot


I wish you well. Good work.



Ja, aus der Gegend :slight_smile:

Feine Sache,

bin nur ein Paar km davon entfernt

Habe unglĂĽcklicherweise vor ein Paar Jahren, einen 101er verkauft.


Ging mir genauso. Damals als Student. Jetzt habe ich aber wieder eine :slight_smile:

Sei froh, ich bereue es heute noch

Ich hatte meine fĂĽr 150 Mark bei einem tĂĽrkischen Second Hand-Laden gekauft. Lag wochenlang im Schaufenster und keiner wollte sie. Solche Deals gibt es heute leider nicht mehr!

Nee, die Zeiten sind leider endgĂĽltig vorbei. FrĂĽher hies es: es steht jeden Morgen ein dummer auf.

can already guess their answer

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Maybe… who knows?

Since an important part of their business model is to recycle their successes from the past in a sometimes perhaps somewhat trashy fashion*, I wouldn’t be surprised to discover that prohibitions and threats are their standard way of interacting with people like myself. But let’s see what happens. The worst case scenario is that I have to make changes to the GUI. That would be a shame because I like it the way it is but not the end of the world :slight_smile:

*for instance: Why didn’t they just clone and reissue the 101 or at least combine an FPGA-based oscillator with the real analog SH filter ?

They are very protective of their stuff… as you can read in the link I posted. Anyway good luck!

It’s commercially way better for them to release things like SH-01A because the cost savings of a digital emulation is way higher than the returns on marketing an “actual analog filter” version.


I wish you luck with Roland. But even if they say no you could take the approach that TAL have with their emulations:

These are very definitely inspired by various Roland products but are different enough to escape the wrath of Roland’s legal eagles.

Just remove all trademarks and let the VCO be itself.

He’s not violating any trademarks.

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