alef's bits released to library

Have you ever taken a look at adding a “Poly External Scale” format output to Slips? That comes in very handy for seeing what the scale for a setting is and that can be shared with some other modules such as Grande Quantizer to quickly see a graphical view of the quantized values as well as allowing other modules to quantize to your scale via Grande Quantizer. That is basically what I’m doing with Adaptive Quantizer

BTW, your method of CV control is an attenuvertor, I think. using uMap makes into a parameter automation control. All of my modules’s CV controls are geared for parameter automation.

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BTW, I really like Slips and enjoyed watching Omri’s YouTube video yesterday. I am going to write a BASICally script that will map PurrSoftware modules (Meander, ModeScaleQuant and ModeScaleProgressions) scale and root outputs to Slips CV inputs so that Slips can track my modules’ scales. I only support the modern modes so a couple of your scales will not map directly, but that is fine. In this use case Meander will create the chord progression and Slips will create a melody in the same “key”. And Squinktronix Harmony will create alternate chords. Or something like that…

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thanks! so glad people are enjoying it, and Omri’s video was really fun for me as i’ve never had anything i made get “featured” in that way in some form of public setting. it was exciting and i’ve gotten some great comments since.

by this do you mean something like adding an output that simply always outputs like a poly cable of all included notes in the current root+scale? that’s certainly an interesting idea to take a look at.

interesting. i just opened Rack and tried plugging an LFO into some of Meander’s inputs and immediately saw the knobs changing with the input. i think, pretty early in my Rack dev journey, this was something i wondered about, if it was possible and how to accomplish it, but never figured it out and just moved on. but clearly it’s possible, so i’ll certainly dive back into this as well.

(EDIT: quick note - i just opened slips’s code to double check, and actually none of the params on slips are used as attenuators/attenuverters for their associated cv signals - the cv input simply overrides whatever is set by the param)

and as i mentioned, i’m still pretty paranoid about my entire quantization process, because i basically found one of the simplest examples i was able to understand in order to throw it together, so i’m not entirely sure if it’s all actually working correctly to begin with. i think at some point i do want to ask someone with more knowledge to at least take a look at my Quantizer.hpp and maybe try to give me thoughts on how to improve it to make sure it’s accurate. like i said, i’ve never noticed any issues, but since i’m not particularly musically inclined and couldn’t tell you what note i’m listening to to save my life, i wouldn’t know anyway, so i’m still pretty paranoid about it working or not.

anyway, thanks again for the feedback, suggestions and tips. Omri’s video already made me want to go back in and work on it some more, and now i have even more reason to do so. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well, to be honest, I took a lot of heat for developing Meander with the equivalent of “motorized knobs” for automation. Some people freak out when the knobs start moving :wink:

I got my BASICally scripts working so that my modules can directly control the scale and root in Slips.

Yes, “poly external scale” is simply 12 channels where there is a channel for each semitone in the chromatic scale and a channel has a voltage of 10.0v for the root or tonic, 8.0v for any other scale note and 0.0 for all non scale notes. Meander can send the diatonic heptatonic scales or pentatonic scales.


Nice – in this chilly fall I can warm my hands by the heat of the feedback for HC-One (in beta) that animates the knobs.

When CV controlled, the track around the knob turns orange and in absolute mode, the knob is animated to show the value being sent. In relative mode and something’s plugged in (e.g. Rate), it animates the orange LED on the track at the effective value being sent (via MIDI). In relative mode, the knob isn’t animated and you can twiddle the knob to change the value that the CV is an offset from.

In this picture, everything is set to relative (assumed bipoler) CV mode except Mod Delay Depth, which is in absolute (assumed unipolar) CV mode.

The small buttons with a blue LED toggles absolute/relative CV mode

Very active and nice in a dark room.


so i’ve added polyphony to slips. i’m still tinkering with it to see if i can make it cleaner than it is right now, but it works, at the very least.

i’ve also added a ‘Nightly’ build to my github action, so every time i push to the repo, it builds the plugin and updates the ‘Nightly’ release, so the most up-to-date build will always be available here:

this includes the polyphony in slips, as well as automatically generating a new sequence/mod sequence when the module is first created, and the sequence will no longer reset to the start when generating a new sequence and will just continue along the new sequence from where it was.


… It’s a specific case and nothing I couldn’t fix with a quick comparator, but I was driving SLIPS’ starting step with an accumulator (on EOC, push sequence one step to the right), and when that CV input goes over 10v, it keeps going, trying to play stuff that isn’t there with modulation and sequencer events defaulting to 10v. Gave me a small scare, when suddenly an anvil was falling on my delicate (vst) piano :wink:

Oh, edit: Slips is fantastic, of course!

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oooh, nice, thanks for the heads up. i have the poly update going into the library as we speak, but I’ll get this taken care of today and hopefully can sneak it in with the poly update. otherwise, I’ll get it submitted soon.

thanks again!

just managed to sneak the update in to the library submission, so it should be coming with the next library update along with polyphony.

until then, the v2.5.54 release here contains the fix. starting step cv input values above 10V will just wrap back around to 0V.

thanks again for catching this (and for the kind words)! :slight_smile:


aaaaaand because i’m dumb, i didn’t consider negative values. now i’ll need to try and sneak one more update in when i’m able to fix it. please don’t hate me, maintainers! :fearful:

updated build that also wraps negative values back around to 64: Release nightly build updated with every push · alefnull/alefsbits · GitHub


I’m going to raise the issue k-chaffin had with slips. I poo poo-ed this initially, but see his point as valid.

If there was a way to change the tooltip like info you get from hovering over a knob, it should really indicate the current actual value when modified by CV.

I can hear when I am in tune with my chord changes etc, but it would be faster and more compositionally creative to just check this value is correct and move on to other concerns.

I only bring this up because SLIPS is quickly becoming a goto sequencer that has so many great features, and that it could be perfected in just a few tiny ways to make it more performer/programmer friendly.

Fantastic work and keep up the alef’s bits plugin, it is a gem in the rack.

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I’m not sure what you are saying here. Do you mean this?

no sir, when I hover over SLIPS root control, it displays “C”.

when I send it CV and make it audibly go to A# and hover over the root control it says “C”

thanks for the suggestion and kind words :slight_smile:

i’m currently starting to toy around with a full rewrite of one of my modules from the NullPath plugin, but i’ll certainly make a note to take a look at Slips to try to work out updating param display values based on cv inputs. :+1:

the screen capture is when I right click on any module, it gives that same info, always plugin, version, author, etc… It’s a VCV thing.

but that’s not at all what cubist is talking about. they are referring to the tooltips that pop up when hovering over a control/param/input/output on the module’s panel.

Oops, you are 1000% correct.

Thank you very much, will try them out. Happy New Year

@alefnull Hi, sorry seems bug in Nos module: connect to pitch input cause stable crash vcv. Can anyone confirm please ?

No problems here :

Win10 Rack252

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