alef's bits released to library

no sir, when I hover over SLIPS root control, it displays “C”.

when I send it CV and make it audibly go to A# and hover over the root control it says “C”

thanks for the suggestion and kind words :slight_smile:

i’m currently starting to toy around with a full rewrite of one of my modules from the NullPath plugin, but i’ll certainly make a note to take a look at Slips to try to work out updating param display values based on cv inputs. :+1:

the screen capture is when I right click on any module, it gives that same info, always plugin, version, author, etc… It’s a VCV thing.

but that’s not at all what cubist is talking about. they are referring to the tooltips that pop up when hovering over a control/param/input/output on the module’s panel.

Oops, you are 1000% correct.

Thank you very much, will try them out. Happy New Year