So I lifted @henk.lasschuit 's patch from the One Voice thread. Ported to the Zoxnoxious analog synth with some rash modifications. The patch uses two sequences: so I patched each one to a separate VCO. Then made The Big Deal here to have the audio path VCO sync’d to a master VCO, master VCO not on the audio path. The audio path is from the sync’d VCO, through a VCF. What’s most interesting is the clock enables/disables sync and is also used to modulate the sync method on the Zoxnoxious 3340 VCO via Sync Phase. The 3340 has a positive and negative sync, which isn’t quite hard/soft sync despite that I labelled it as such on the module.
Apologies to Henk since this is quite an abuse of his original. His patch is pretty cool and you ought to checkout the original. It was a great starting point to showoff some of the sync functionality with the Zoxnoxioius '3340 module.