Your favorite sequencer tool that is beginner friendly?

Because there wasn’t enough sequencer recommendations already I have to mention that The voxglitch - digital sequencer.

its just fast to pencil in sequences for cv and gates because you can click and drag. other sequencers require a bit of clicking and moving each knob it takes quite a bit of time to dial in a sequence.

On the right click menu There is also some fancy quality of life controls like setting the range for each sequence along with keyboard shortcuts.

I for one would like to see Harmony and Arpeggiator in the library!


a personal recommendation on learning curve sequencing…







Impromptu ProbKey is one of the most instantly gratifying for a beginner.


great summary of tools.

What about the the euclid sequencers like eugene? The UI on this is super elegant.

or the octet sequencer with expander by count modula?

I guess by the time we are done there will be a complete list of all sequencers. :slight_smile:

Maybe even the next question is how to achieve sequencer inception. What sequencers are best for controlling other sequencers? :slight_smile:

indeed we haven’t even talked about trigger sequencers, thanks for adding those :slight_smile:

About sequencing sequencer, the hard way is combining cv controlable super long clock divider + bog audio addr… but it realy worth learning Computerscare ILC: you manually enter how many clock beat you want for each new event to happen, create simple or complex rules to structure your song… it’s perfect for controlling your serquencers, and super reliable!


Thank you for posting this! I had totally missed this capability.


The way I sequence sequencers lately is to thoroughly document the CV state values for my favorite modules and then enter those values into NYSTHI “FIXED VOLTAGE SOURCE” module and save those as “selections”. I feed the FIXED CV’s to sequential switches such as Count Modula’s “SWITCH 8-1/16-1”, which sequences the state values to the modules to which they correspond. I can then sequence the SWITCH to change the number of steps and the stepping direction. Things can get quite complex and interesting. I sometimes use ML Modules.


[quote=“melondruie, post:32, topic:17056, full:true”] I will second that. SFZ Player is very popular with me and the only SFZ player in VCV Rack that I know of. I think a lot of people are sleeping on the possibilities that it provides. [/quote] My wife had a play produced that featured an antique music box which was hinted to be the “voice” of a ghost in an old mansion. It had to play tunes normally, and at times (reacting to dialog) it would sound like stripped gears, it would skip beats, change tempo and intonation. SFZ Player and Entrian “Timeline” were the perfect pairing for all sound effect cues associated with the music box.

Oh. Which circles back around to Entrian “Timeline”, a sequencer. See what I did there? My wife made me buy it, so I had no choice, right?


Man. I totally feel you on the Seq++ thing. Whenever I opened that one I thought “damn that must’ve been so much work.” and “its a cool thing that was definitely missing from VCV… but…” … but… I too, never got into it. But heck… it plays MIDI files, has an extra Sequencer-Sequencer module, can save shit, can reload shit… it does it all. But really never caught on. I don’t even know why. Probably it was just something about the interface not lookling like a sports car.

  • and 5 minutes later the Entrian modules came out with those slick VST style sequencers. I suck at composing… like most people. Maybe that’s the actual reason. Entrian never caught on either - although I’m sure tons of people planned to use them.

haha - the sequencer of sequences - 4X4. I have never seen a video that used it. Even the testers on that projects were getting impatient. “stop perfecting features I don’t even care about, just release it!”.

Oh, how could I have forgotten two of my favourites, both useful for aleatoric / generative sequences:

XTRTN Hallucigenia

You can tweak the rate of mutation so that not all the values change. Besides, I’m a sucker for anything to do with Burgess Shale Fossils.

And OrangeLine Dejavu

Looping random sequences may be “nested” up to four deep.

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In addition, there’s also Autinn’s Fluencerator, offering Accents and Glides and apparently ~some sort of musical brain programmed into it. But what I came to post is +1 for Bogaudio’s ADDR sequencer, simple on the surface, but and despite of (with its expanders) imho one of the most versatile seq-tools around.


Hallucigenia is a wonderful sequencer for melodic tunes. I find it a very interesting module knowing that its developer @Extratone is into a completely different genre than melodic ambient tunes. It’s worth checking out his website for some truly shocking releases… :grin:

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WOW, even for non-musicians like me.

At least it can do Jazz. :slight_smile: jazz_01.vcv (8.8 KB)

Thanks for the hint.

Awww thank you!! <3 I’ll be back eventually