August 17, 2022, 1:49pm
where do can I find some wavetables to use within WT LFO/OSC?
Any out-of-the-box libraries out there?
Also: what’s the standard for WT LFO/OSC in Rack?
IIRC Serum use 2048 samples for each Wave, while the default Basic.wav come with Rack is 1024: any info about the specifics?
Here’s a couple of links:
and some very nice Virus TI sampled wavetables on this page:
and here’s one I made https://github.com/jpnielsen/wavetables/raw/main/wavetable.wav
It’s a 32bit float x 128 waves x 2048 wave points of a ramp, morphing to triangle to saw, like the Moog One waveform of some fame.
There’s a python script to generate it too. GitHub - jpnielsen/wavetables
VCV - Free Modules
VCV - Free Modules
Default is 1024 wavepoints, but it’s configurable.
August 18, 2022, 7:31am
Thanks for all useful informations!
(Dave Benham)
December 30, 2022, 8:02pm
Thanks for posting that saw to triangle to ramp wave table! I used it to create a really cool hybrid AD EG / VCA / Wave Shaper out of a WT LFO, which then became the centerpiece of a patch that I used in a live performance.
I have a considerable backlog of performances I’d like to clean up and post. Here is a start - Halloween Waltz from the October 31, 2022 VOM. I love the melody, and I think the patch is really cool. It features a number of VCV Fundamental Constructs using Rack 2 modules. Of particular note is a hybrid polyphonic Attack Decay Envelope Generator, Voltage Controlled Amplifier, and Wave Shaper - all constructed from a WT LFO (Wave Table Low Frequency Oscillator) using a morphing saw to triangle to r…
I was looking for that, and nothing to create the wave table! Thank you
Solution fount with a @Jens.Peter.Nielsen post!
where do can I find some wavetables to use within WT LFO/OSC?
Any out-of-the-box libraries out there?
Also: what’s the standard for WT LFO/OSC in Rack?
IIRC Serum use 2048 samples for each Wave, while the default Basic.wav come with Rack is 1024: any info about the specifics?
Extra wavetables can also be downloaded from inside SurgeXT’s Wavetable VCO via its context menu.
On my system, about 370 .wav files were downloaded to:
C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Local\Rack2\SurgeXTRack\SurgeXTRack_ExtraContent\
These files can also be loaded into other modules, such as VCV Wavetable VCO or VCV Wavetable LFO .
There are also about 190 extra wavetables in .wt format.