Writing down an idea at 3 AM so that I don't forget it ...

… and it’s kind of a cool idea other people might try:

Get a sample of speech. I like recording shortwave radio stations where I don’t know the language being spoken.

Get a sampler playing it, and drive an envelope follower.

Envelope follower gate clocks your favorite sequencer. Fill it with some sequences & snapshot them with 8Face.

Sequencer drives a synth voice. Use that as the carrier for a vocoder, and use the speech sample as the modulator.


:thinking: That sounds interesting.

It’s kinda’ the opposite of when I made a recording of macOS synthesized speech - in various accents - to use in a sampler and then “distress” it, to sound like one of those mysterious shortwave “numbers stations”.

I’ve done this kind of thing through a really long reverb impulse response. See if I can find a link to the one I used.

edit to add: Found it.

Teufelsberg NSA listening station impulse responses: Link removed as it no longer works.

I’ve had a similar 3am idea. To make upside-down audio. Use any audio sample as the modulator for a vocoder, and white noise as the carrier. But invert all the frequency bands. It did not work . . .

Not exactly the topic, but here is a recent AI and ML code synthesizing and making “music” based on midi files and Audio. Don’t ask me how it works exactly, i am still trying to understand it myself

sort of polyglot Peter Frampton for modular

simpliciter contains an envelope follower CV out


Sadly, despite my best efforts my cursive was so bad that even I couldn’t decipher it the next day, so I had to switch to block letters. One prof said it was worse than any doctor’s scratch he had ever seen O_o

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Ok, am I going crazy or did you just reply to a post that doesn’t exist anymore? Im sure I saw it. And whats all this about cursive? Whats going on. . . Im confused.

guess it went poof indeed… It was you posting about Ontario schools teaching cursive writing again :wink:

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make upside-down audio. Use any audio sample as the modulator for a vocoder, and white noise as the carrier. But invert all the frequency bands. It did not work . . .

I’ve used shift but not invert.

For extra fun, mix noise with a saw wave for the carrier.

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Nope that wasn’t me :point_up:. Must be a troll, or bot, or something. It just got deleted again.