Wilderness Soundscape Challenge (August 2024)

Thank you - that’s what I was going for :slight_smile:

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Hi all, my very cheesy submission…tried to model storm, singing whales, jungle drums & drops falling, sea gulls…

Patch is here: Sea and Shore | Patchstorage

Youtube is here: https://youtu.be/QJ1G8Bd08Ws


I really enjoyed the seagulls and atmospheric sounds in this patch.

That’s cool that you are developing your own modules too! I like the idea of your Spiquencer binary tree sequencer module! It looks like a great way of balancing randomness with order to produce fun variety in a patch. I’m going to play with it…

Thanks @cosinekitty . Please note that someone discovered an issue with the scales & arps in the pull down menu…I’ve fixed the code, so if you want the proper scales to work, you need to wait for 2.4.0 or download the code from GIT…sorry about that…

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Oh cool, thanks for the info. I’m happy to clone your repo and build it for myself.

The time for the new moon is nigh. Darkness covers the Sea of Bitterness as the people gather for a celebration.

Most animals were the first to disappear after the demons fell from the stars; but tonight, an offering will be made to the Gods Below.

The Artistes play their instruments to signal the time, as a man and a woman are embraced, forever, by the caressing, liquid arms of She Who Dwells in Asperity.

As the couple disappears beneath her waves, hearts are high with hope: the tribe will live on.

The video:

The patch:

the_offering.vcv (20.1 KB)

Run the clock to start the celebration.


  • Wow! This patch doesn’t have audio either!

Still not a question… again, the patch is designed to perform itself run the clock and wait a little while: sound will come.

  • Ok, I got sound but the patch ends itself :frowning:

Change the Basically program to make it last or loop or do whatever you want however you please!


So cool…love the story telling and the colour scheme of your patch (and the patch itself, of course)…having King Kong deja-vue’s…

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Thanks :slight_smile:

Love most Kong movies :slight_smile:

The Boreal Forests contain lots of wildlife, including lots of birds. As the wind blows through the trees, a few songbirds tweet their songs, woodpeckers on a few different trees create an uneven rhythm and a ruffed grouse beats his wings on his breast in an attempt to find a mate (Google ruffed grouse drumming to see the inspiration). A little joyous background melody fades in and out in accompaniniment.

I still have to learn what I’ve created in more depth. I’ve found patches and tutorials with things I’ve liked and tried to figure them out, but in some cases it’s just the tutorials with some minor modifications. I have much to learn!!! Thank you to those who have answered questions, have published tutorials, trainings, patches, given insight and support for the questions. I bow to you.


This patch is inspired by my recent crossing of Hardangervidda in Norway which is the largest mountain plateau in Europe, an area of true wilderness. While there are many animals and plants (no trees though) it’s more the rough environment and the weather conditions than the wildlife that makes the plateau truly wild, and that’s what I’m focussing on in this patch.

Perhaps, it’s also the home of Thor, the hammer-wielding god of wild weather?

You are sitting in a cave, supposedly safe from the weather outside. A lovely stream is flowing through the cave, along a frozen pond. Somebody hung some metal and wood rods into the cave entrance - perhaps to protect the cave from evil ghosts? - and behind it you see a snow-covered mountain. There must be a nice echo in this rocky cavern, right?

Indeed! But wait… the response is more than just an echo. Did somebody feel disturbed? Suddenly, the wind is increasing, the wooden and metal rods hit each other, the pond’s thick ice sheet is cracking, the little stream is swelling to a raging river, rocks fall from the cave’s ceiling, the heavy wind gets even heavier and turns into a thunderstorm, and as if all this wasn’t already enough, you notice a thick white cloud rolling down from the mountain right towards the cave entrance, coming closer and closer with a deafening roar. Suddenly, it is very silent and dark…


These stereo sounds are immersive and fascinating. And for completely ego-based reasons, it’s fun for to see so many Sapphire modules. UPDATE I’m really having a lot of fun playing with this patch! This is bonkers, and from me, that is a deep compliment.

For anyone who might be interested, Sapphire Galaxy is a clone of Chris Johnson’s “Galactic” algorithm from his Airwindows Suite. This is an amazing plugin that contains only a single module, but that module has a huge number of effects and filters that are fun to play with.

I’m grateful to Chris for his permission and support in cloning his reverb algorithm Galactic. I had two motivations for creating my own UI on top of his reverb:

  1. It helped me understand Galactic, which sounds amazing in stereo even when fed monaural input. I intend to create my own stereo reverb some day, with its own personality, and this exercise helped me step in that direction.
  2. It gave me a VCV Rack module that was thinner: Galaxy is 6 HP wide, Airwindows Suite is 10 HP wide. And of course the full Airwindows has to be wider because it supports so many additional effects, not just the Galactic reverb.

I think I have to take a closer look at the Airwindows reverbs.


This is fantastic - such big sounds, so atmospheric :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:

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Another “Take shelter in a cave during a storm” patch. But then your mind starts to play tricks on you, and you start hearing tones coming from the depths of the abyss.

It turns out that thunder is way more difficult to synthesize than I expected…


AVH_Aug2024_Wilderness Soundscape02_Storm.vcv (9.6 KB)


The thunder goes more into the direction of a heavy lightning strike in some distance, I’d say, but that sounds quite cool! Well done!

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Love that lightning strikes the video as well.


Marvelous sounds, simply amazing!

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Very nice patch @auretvh !

I really enjoyed how you started this patch with atmospheric nature sounds, then brought in the drone, then added the higher voice above that. Quite cinematic and fun to listen to. It provides a lot of development using less than 4 minutes.

I am also very interested in thunder sounds. I have been trying to figure out how to model them convincingly for over 2 years, and it’s a fascinating topic.


Here is my amphibian entry 1/5:

Here is the Frog Bog patch.


It sounds like a slowed-down version of the Frog Symphony, which makes it more majestic. Well done!