What's New in Surge XT 2.2

Heya folks

Surge XT 2.2 finally made it in the library. Enjoy your red-dot-download today!

The changelog is up to date but a few fun things for you to try if you want

  1. The Unison module allows other polyphonic VCOs to participate in the same unison / drift / pan algorithm as many of the surge built in VCOs (albeit a little less efficiently than the way surge does it). You can check out more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0fXLlHKLrk here

  2. The Digital Ring Mode / CXOR takes the new signal combinator functions in Surge 1.3 and makes a pair of them available as oversampled combinator modules so you can do f(A,B), g(C,D) or g(f(A,B),C) easily for a wide variety of non-linear f and g. This sounds complicated. Basically hook up a pair of near in tune signals and try the combinations then sweep each through frequencies and see when you get growls and squeals you like.

  3. Nimbus is the surge port of Clouds, now included for completion, allowing surge style modulation and so on into this popular module.

  4. (edited in!) - bonsai is a cool sort of distortion tape lo fi effect with a wide parameter space - enjoy!

  5. A very interesting auto-hookup concept for our stereo ports. Do this

    • Sit a classic next to a VCF (as “Classic/VCF”)
    • Right mouse on the Classic output and you can see an auto connect to the VCF input available
    • Now add a mix master and auxmaster combo and pull in a delay anywhere
    • Right mouse on the delay in put and get an auto connect to the auxmaster output
    • etc I’ve written this so its available for any module dev (and in fact, Airwindows release today also has all these features) and when I’m back from a mini vaca in a week or so I’ll write up a dev blog here on how you can do it with your modules too. Or if you are super brave, look at the sst-rackhelpers module and just use the port mixing to get the mixmaster stuff and the neighbor interface to participate in side-by-side hookup.
  6. Loads of bug fixes too. (And we have a set more queued up for a 2.2.2 probably in a couple of weeks).

As always good bug reports make good software. And sharing awesome tips makes happy devs. So let us know, preferably by opening an issue on the surge-rack GitHub, but also by hopping into our discord or leaving a note here.

Have fun!


Oh that’s fantastic Paul. Can’t wait to try this out. Thank you for this great update in this new year.

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Thanks a million Paul, Steve, and the whole Surge team! Surge XT is such a quality plugin and it has now replaced much other stuff as my #1 go-to collection of modules. All hail Surge… :raised_hands::blush:

The CXOR sounds interesting. Also sounds like something I would definately like a good intro video for, if anyone gets the time or feel inspired.

Does Nimbus have the expanded length of high-quality buffer, like say the ones from Grayscale, or is it the original Clouds quality settings? Will have to give it a good play soon…

The auto hookup concept sounds great, looking forward to trying it.


Nimbus is exactly clouds but I have a version coming together on my laptop with the supercell firmware and will make sure to poke at the quality settings when I integrate it.

Thanks for the kind words and have fun!


Oh and if you think of the cxor roughly as “a digital ring mod with peculiar functional forms” you will get the musical gist of a lot of it.

this is such a neat, useful trick, honestly. so i’m definitely looking forward to your write up on how it’s done. i’ll probably peak at the source as well when i get a chance. anyway, great job as always :smiley:

Oh and how could I have forgotten - it’s in the changelog! 2.2 also includes bonsai which is a far ranging sort of distortion / Lo fi / tape-like effect - it’s a bit hard to describe and the parameter space is large but it’s a cool effect


Woww, the auto connect works quite well! Very cool!

Also Unison is very clever!


i’m going to expand it in 2.2.2 so it can find other connectable modules in your same row as a submenu. Then i’ll write a short blog on how others can adapt to the protocol too.