What should be my first DAW with Rack Pro?

Cool :slight_smile: Thanks Andrew.

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Ah… I tried again. It was not persistent when loading an existing track, but when creating a whole new project and track, the zoom level is persistent now in 2.0.3b.

Not here (2.0.3b, Waveform Free or Reaper, Mac). But it worked in 2.0.2, it’s simply gone from the view menu. Is it there for you?

Good man!

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yup - nothing’s changed at all there! a mac/win thing perhaps?

Well you never know, but it was there in the view menu on 2.0.2 and now it’s gone.

I don’t think F11 ever worked on my machine.

This is exactly why I love Max4Live. You can drop in a Manual CC Mapper v2 M4L Device to route things where you want them to go within Ableton. Not perfect, but good option for Live users.

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I get the impression that Windows user are getting a better experience from this than MacOS users (I am one!)… In the previous version, a “Full screen” option was present in the "view’ menu. Now that’s gone… you can’t drag the VST window size… and the little green “full” screen green apple window dot is disabled (upper left)). “F11” has zero effect. I don’t like working in VCV using a tiny window!

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Windows doesn’t have it so easy either…

There is the “Fullscreen” menu option that does work for the VST but in a multi-monitor setup it only goes fullscreen onto the primary monitor.

The “maximise” control is NOT present on the VST title bar so you have to use the menu option.

The “F11” shortcut does not work for the VST, instead the main daw window accepts that input and will maximise when pressed despite the VST having focus. Also the “Windows + Up Arrow” shortcut does not work in the VST.

In Ableton, on a multi-monitor setup when you use the fullscreen menu option you get a fullscreen rack window but there is a strange duplicate VST window that kind of sits behind the fullscreen window and may be entirely visible depending on where the VST window was when you chose to go fullscreen. Bitwig doesnt work much better, in fact its the same other than I dont get that strange duplicate window.

F11 works for me in Windows, in Reaper, when focus is on the VCV Rack VST

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I confirm, F11 also works for me.

I should clarify what i meant here as i seem to have omitted some info. If you select the VST window by the title bar then F11 does not work, but when you click inside the VST window then F11 does work.

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The only thing that’s keeping me from switching over to Bitwig full time is the lack of first-party support for live-looping performances. Specifically I mean sequencing looper devices to punch in and out automatically while I focus completely on playing my instruments. Ableton allows me to sequence the state of a looper and the repetitions are sample-accurate, so no chance of things getting out of sync. Whoever comes out with an exclusive track solely for live-looping performance gets my money for life. It would have been Zen Audio ALK2 if it had been more mature (and hadn’t halted future development).

I tried using Bitwig to automate the state of Lilac Looper in VCV2, however the repetitions drift over time. I can compensate for this by periodically retriggering the loop, however this would turn into a fairly annoying workaround as the project complexity grows. Sometime I’ll have to give it a proper try at scale to test that hypothesis.

I know this is kindof a niche requirement, but it’s what keeps me firmly in the clutches of Ableton. Bitwig has so many more things going for it that I really love, but this is the kind of music I enjoy the most, and it’s really not feasible in Bitwig to my level of satisfaction. Not even using The Grid. Hey, Bitwig, if you’re listening… :smiley: