What CPU should I buy for VCV Rack?

I’m thinking of getting a refurbished 2015 Macbook Pro with 16GB RAM and Intel i7. Does anyone have experience with how Rack + OBS perform simultaneously on this? These threads have been helpful but I’m not sure about these specific specs.

Intel Mac book pros overheat like crazy. Don’t.


Agreed. And the reason they’re bad for Rack is twofold:

  1. The builtin Intel graphics on these machines are inadequate for using Rack.
  2. The cooling on those machines is totally inadequate for those very hot CPU’s in them, when running anything CPU intensive for some time, such as Rack.

Apple fixed all that with the M1 machines, which has very capable builtin graphics, and they run very cool compared to Intel CPU’s. Get an M1 I say.

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I run same CPU, 6 cores assigned to Rack (6 threads really), which runs amazingly heavy patches fine… Only add threads if you actually need them (patch exceeds allotted CPU resources and skipping etc due to no longer being able to keep up/sync the cores/threads)… Not had a skip or anything in months… I run at 48kHz/256 samples