I had never heard of Lisa Bella Donna before. Amazing artistry! Thanks for posting this, @Ahornberg!
Yeah, very nice.
The Oscar Peterson Trio was the second live gig I saw, aged 14.
“Mbube” by Solomon Linda’s Original Evening Birds (1939). The song that was misheard as “Wimoweh” and then ripped off as “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”.
Simon & Garfunkel’s The Boxer
I love the simple unchanging percussion (bongos?) and all the instrumental stuff going on behind the vocals. I’m going nuts trying to figure out what is making that wunnerful bass drone, prominent from 04:20 to 04:40ish. An upright bass bowed near the bridge? Moog? Mellotron (because there are strings too)? No info provided on the back of the album cover.
Also Simon & Garfunkel’s America, arguably one of the greatest '60s anthems ever, with it’s mix of aspirations and melancholy.
Pay particular attention to the bass line in the chorus, from 02:37 to 02:57.
And now, something completely different, for all you Surf fans out there in InterWebs Land … Medicine Man by Beachmover.
I just love the primitive ferocity of it. Crank it up.
Well, at least the Moog has been mentioned for the Bookends album in another context: