Weighted Chances/Bernoulli Gate


I’m trying to make it so a random gate module has low probability to go to the A gate at the start, but becomes more likely to go to A if it hasn’t gone to A in a while. And once it hits the A gate it will reset to low probability

I’m thinking I could achieve it with something like a long delay gate → VCA → Probability CV The long gate would increase with each B gate hit, and reset with an A gate hit.

I’d also like to incorporate something that doesn’t reset the A gate probability right away, and maybe gets 2 or 3 hits before resetting

Any other ways to approach this to make bernoulli gates more “musical”? Thanks!

I was doing it with ramps at one point. I also posted an idea similar to what you want in the thread “ideas for developers”. But recently I saw a module that I haven’t played with yet, but the description is interesting, it says: Markov sequencer where the probability of the next trigger is based on the previous three triggers. Again, I haven’t tried it yet, too busy atm for deep dives…

This might work.

Clock a binary counter with output B of the Bernoulli gate. Drive a DAC with the counter. Run the output of the DAC into the probability input of the Bernoulli gate. Connect the A output of the Bernoulli gate to reset of the counter.

By doing this, every pulse out of the B output should increase the probability CV until it causes A to fire which in turn causes it to start the process again.

My Lunetta Modula plugin has modules you can use for this.

I’ve given this one a try using stoermelder’s PILE, which creates a decremental sequence on the Chance parameter of Chances (Count Modula). Would something like this work for you?

2024-12-20_Progressively increasing chance of A over B.vcvs (6.2 KB)

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