Wavetable VCO with morph from A to B. Does it exist?

Hello, i want to use a vco with the possibility to morph at startpoint from wavetable A to wavetable B at endpoint during a CV-controllable period. could Terrorform do this? or any other module?

A wavetable is a collection of waves with the ability to morph from one wave to another. So I think you’re set with any wavetable OSC ? Or I’m not understanding what you want to do ?


ok, i think i have to be clearer. i mean at the start there is wave a from a wavetable. then at the end wave b from a different wavetable, or the same. between these points a kind of morphing from wave a to wave b.

within the same wavetable oscillatore there are many ways to achieve that in a modular environment.
just connect a CV souce to the socket that controls the “navigation” in the waves.
it can be a sequencer (2 steps in your scenario) with a slew limiter, an envelope generator, a set of values with some logics…and so on…

this is the first case:

another one: (for transition between voltages you can use a simple CV crossfader)

we have also “23 volts MORPH” that does this in a 4-way style

try to achieve other ones :+1:

to do that between different modules you can use “stoermelder TRANSIT”. it lets you do it with everything, not just a wavetable oscillator :broccoli:

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I think I understood you the fiirst time, but do you get my point ? The only thing that is Important is the first wave (a) and the last wave (b) If they are not in the same wavetable you have to build your own.

What you want to do is transition somewhere from the content of wavetabe 1 to wavetable 2. Then you have to use 2 wavetable OSC and crossfade (somewhere) from 1 to 2.

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ok, i see. today i read the documentation from the module morph terrarium and thought, that this module could morph between different waves in different wavetables, because of the bank select possibility. but i missunderstood. now it is clear. thank you.

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Terrorform is great - but if you want a powerful wavetable VCO with a clear interface and good visualisation check out the one in the Surge XT collection.

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the blamsoft xfx wave is also nice for wavetable mangling

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Ball Of Confusion is able to load more than 1 wavetable.


I was about to say that “morph from one sound to another” can mean a lot of different things. But this description of ball of confusion says it better than I could!

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the surge wavetable oscillator will also do this, and you can create your own wavetables relatively easily as well as downloading the extra content to get lots. I

you can load your wavetables in VCV’s wavetable vco as well!
i really like “tiny tricks wavetable vco”. you can create your own directly in VCV Rack and gives you 3 “heads” with sync and detune options :+1:


thank you all, i will use surgext for the moment. unfortunately i 'm not able to understand the function of ball of confusion. if i load a simple wavetable (sin to saw) i`m not able to hear this loaded wavetable and cannot morph from sin to saw. it is allways crunchy and noisy.

very sad.

@karlderletzte here Ball of Confusion works flawless
what kind of wavetables do you load?
I load wavetables in the Serum format (2048 samples),
maybe you can upload a patch to see how it can be improved.

it is a wavetable from the waveeditonline page. it loads without problems and i see the wave. but i do not see an input or knob to scan through the table. in surgext i can scan through the table and see/hear the sample.

Seven Seas was the first module I thought of for this :star_struck:


I think Ball of Confusion does not really what you want,
see the manual:

yes, i suppose it now. will have a look for seven seas also.