I have fixed the code of the VCV-Prototype in order to run Vult and LuaJIT code.
If you want to use the VCV-Prototype you have to build it yourself. Here are the steps to do it.
1.- Delete your old VCV-Prototype repository. It is better to start with a clean repository.
2.- Clone the repository with
git clone https://github.com/VCVRack/VCV-Prototype
3.- Enter the directory with
cd VCV-Prototype
4.- Checkout the code for Rack v2-tmp
git checkout v2-tmp
5.- Initialize the submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
6.- You need to have premake (version 4 or 5 installed). In linux you can do
sudo apt install premake4
On mac
brew install premake
I have not tested windows.
7.- Turn off the unused engines. Since I don’t know the status of the other engines, I only enable Vult, JavaScript and LuaJIT. You have to edit the Makefile to look like this
SUPERCOLLIDER ?= 0 # disabled
VULT ?= 1
LIBPD ?= 0 # disabled
FAUST ?= 0 # disabled
8.- Build the dependencies with
make dep -j
9.- Lastly, you can build and install the VCV-Prototype with
make -j install
As I mentioned above. I have not tested it on Windows. If you have a working development environment on Windows please give it a try.