VULT Feigen concept


Is this module based on the following concept?

Feigen: Vult Modules for VCV Rack



Yes. Feigen is based on that principle. The values that it generates correspond to the logistic map.


Really interesting in terms of VOct evolution! Thank you. Alain

Is there a way to patch this concept using basic modules, or is a specialized module required?

Still discovering this module. It was the opportunity for me to learning deeper the math concepts related; Excel works well :nerd_face:.

I realise now the huge work of @modlfo to adapt this concept to a musical environment. This module works so well; it can have a pseudo regular CV sequencing, but also chaotic… You can have these regular sequences with something a little bit difference that make them really interesting :blush:.

Well, I think it’s better to use this module, and the other modules of this series are also so great in the same way!

Vult Mysteries: Vult Modules for VCV Rack


It should be possible. In this blog post I show a very simple implementation with blocks (see the first diagram).

Very cool and informative blog post. Thank you! I infer that using a specialized module makes it easier to find the sweet spots, compared to wiring basic modules together.

There was a Eurorack module that seemed to use the same concept-- the Klangbau Köln Logistic Equation/Logistische Gleichung. I don’t know if it was analog or digital.

“The module uses an Arduino to calculate the equation.”

“The module uses analog circuits to calculate the logistic equation” (prototype)

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