=== very cool patch challenge, edition 55 ===

you are challenged to make a patch in vcv rack to showcase creative use of modules, so other users may get inspired. you can also win eternal fame!

for this edition, the challenge is to make a patch in which contrast plays a central role. how you interpret this, is up to you.

== rules ==

  • make a patch in vcv rack using the chosen module and upload your patch to https://patchstorage.com/ and/or in your reply to this thread
  • tag your upload with vcp-55
  • you are encouraged to only use free modules in the patch, but this is not strictly required
  • make a video showcasing your patch and upload it to youtube
  • add a link to your video as a comment to this post (these videos will be collected in a playlist)
  • give feedback on other participants’ patches

deadline: monday end of the day, wherever you are, june 22nd (though late entries will still be added to the playlist)

a new challenge with a different module will be announced every other tuesday. (tho i let the previous challenge run a week longer…)


Well, it’s been a while since I was first in one of these. My entry is inspired by the “quiet-loud-quiet-loud” structure of indie rock and features another attempt at making a chunky guitar style sound. Also there is contrast between fast and slow and a really contrasty backdrop:

vcp-55.vcv (76.7 KB)

My only problem has been some minor audio glitches when rendering the file in Blender. I’d had the problem before with one of my Syncer pieces and not been able to really resolve it but that was much worse (I stll haven’t uploaded that piece). Here it’s a few little pops that are definitely introduced at the rendering level. Worse things could have happened I guess.

nice one, I’ll do my best to get into it, but I can’t promise :beers:

The problem with this challenge is that you could do basically anything and find a reason for it to exhibit contrast. Nonetheless I was inspired by the contrasting qualities of AM and FM synthesis to make this piece:

vcp-55-sides.vcv (79.7 KB)

Note that while it features no tekno it does have some flashing imagery.


sure, but then let your creativity kick in, to make it special

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of course I’m too late again, but since no new challenge has been called, I’m now just free to post my contribution. :metal: :mask:


I think at this point, given the lack of contributions we should just declare this to be open ended (it’s a pretty open challenge anyway). And i’m embarassed that I’m the only other contributor.

yeah, this one seems to not have sparked much creativity…

i’m in the last stages of wrapping up the semester and my summer holidays will start next week. i’ll have a think about how to progress with the challenge.

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It’s a balance thing. Too loose a set of criteria and people don’t know where to start, too narrow and people feel constrained. I think picking a module for people to try is usually good but it has to be a deep enough module to inspire people.

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Here’s my entry, Sorry if it’s a bit late. I wanted to do something microtonal and contrast between sharp, soft, harmonic and discordant sounds.

Heres the link Microcosm (VCP-55) | Patchstorage