=== very cool patch challenge edition 30 ===

@the1andonlydrno This is awesome. I like way what you change scenes. This is a very “visual” piece. When I listened to your piece for the first time, I had such associations with the images seen through the windows of the train going through the city. Such a collection of separate images of snapshots connected by music and flowing through each other. Great job.:+1: @denis.tercier Interesting community of sounds. Lots of randomnes here. I like way you use this module in patch. Whole is a very abstractive piece of art music. Great job. :vulcan_salute: @dag2099 Insane and mad patch. This is awesome digging of sounds. It reminded me of very bad neighbors doing renovation of the apartment in the block during the weekend. Drills, forging walls, very refreshing associations. Cool :smiley: @rsmus7 Oh Man! I love this piece. There is lots of gritty sounds and lots of movments behind the scenes. And of course somtomes my head wobbling spontaneously :slight_smile: @korfuri Just I wrote before I like these brass sections like sounds :slight_smile: Good job.

Thanks for all contributors in this VCP-30. It will pleasure to hear and watch different ways of using this module. @ablaut thank you for that challenge Ben