you are challenged to make a patch in vcv rack to showcase a particular module in a creative way, so other users may get inspired. you can also win eternal fame!
this time i would like to do a special challenge using primarily modules from
let’s allow up to two other modules, and any amount of utility modules (mixers, triggers, etc.) – to be interpreted flexibly, within the spirit of the challenge
Here is simple patch with Resonator from me:
The sound is heavily affected by Delay unit, but challenge rules says that two other modules are allowed, so I picked Spring Reverb and Delay.
Although the patch is pretty simple itself, you can tweak LFOs frequency knobs and A*B+C knobs for instant notable changes.
it’s funny that I’ve recorded a video with patch from scratch tutorial just before when I see this post yesterday in Facebook group… only audible instruments and only one instance of each module. Great Sync!) will upload on Friday
What a strange coincidence. A few days ago I set myself an “Audible Instruments Challenge”, to get myself some focus, and really explore these modules properly. I’ll see if I can produce something.
Alright, going to throw up an early entry, just because I’ll hopefully make another one since we have 2 weeks and this is such a cool VCP to participate in and learn from. I like these sounds I got, but maybe a little messy at times. I think I’m not so into Marbles for some reason. And Stages is sort of weird to me, like why can you only modulate a synced lfo with audio rate modulation? and when I send v/oct cv to the vco I’m using as the audio rate modulator, it stops changing the lfo altogether, but maybe I’m doing something wrong. Btw Omri’s Stages video is amazing to get started with this thing, I’m really loving using it as a sequencer or envelope. And wow Tides2 is like the coolest thing ever, cant wait to get more time experimenting with it.
While I have no intention of making an entry, I was experimenting this morning and made a 5 x quantussy ring using mostly Stages. I fiddled about adding some other stuff to the patch and accidentally came up with this:Quantussy_Staging.vcv (20.0 KB)
I didn’t know there was a vcp challenge, just came across @VCVRackIdeas video and thought that it was a fun thing to try. Now since there is a challenge and I have a patch anyway I’ve decided to jump the bandwagon!
Just using Neil instead of Clouds for the oliverb mode.
Made another patch, just to explore the new Tides 2 a little more, what an amazing module, haven’t even gotten to the lfo or pll stuff yet, just used for sound and its chord mode modulated into arpeggios with Tides as an envelope, but shifting the envelopes got boring to me b/c it makes my notes of the chord go 1-2-3-4 every time (like my last patch) so I incorporated the Octal Router to switch it up. Kind of a crazy patch overall with the bass & percussion, but I made an alternate version with just the arpeggio and effects ( you just need Audible Instruments Preview plugin & Octal Router ). It’s amazing what comes out just by turning the shift and shape knobs of both Tides and messing with the AS Delay knob & Clouds reverb knob. (VCP-24).zip (6.1 KB)