VenomTakeFive Challenge (May 2024)

Yeah, I realised that beforehand. Track 3 was too loud. I uploaded the wrong patch. If you adjust the volume to -14db, it is better and no longer annoying.

The problem with your patch is that connecting the output of the fifth LLFO to the Select CV of ADDR-SEQ activates the fifth step (-1.2289) and triggers a dissonant. You have probably forgotten this. Or you just like dissonance… I changed the ADDR-SEC again and now it has 8 steps. Oh you can do so much. But yes, I think it’s cool that you’re playing around with my patch.

Venom´s Pas De Chat Update.vcv (18.8 KB)

Ahh, that makes sense. I was just going by ear, tried to keep modifications to a minimum, and the dissonance didn’t bother me. Nice update, beautiful patch.

Great patch, I like the tiny bit of drama in it, and the very helpful intro to Bohlen-Pierce.

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This is such a joy to listen to, wonderful sense of development over the 7:30 mins, feels very balanced. Well done!

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I like this patch, intriguing and unsettling at once. Once you start twiddling knobs everything changes. Fun to play!

Real jazzy feel, seem like Davis’ Bitches Brew is just around the corner. Great vibe!

Couldn’t load the patch right away, it was asking for E340 Cloud Generator by Synthesis Technology. Substituted with the E-Series E340, knowing that it may sound slightly different. Loaded a DNB drum break into the Voxglitch Autobreak Studio, which became really interesting with the Plateau reverb.

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Welcome to the rain forest! Feels like you are in the midst of it. Birds singing, water flowing and the ritual or party drums in a distance. It’s beautiful!

Don’t have the VCV Drums module (ClosedHat, Rim), so unfortunately couldn’t load the patch.

Here is a third and last patch, this time focussing on Rhythm Explorer and Linear Beats. Somehow, this was the toughest of the three patches, because it took quite some time for me to get a grip on the two modules with their plethora of available inputs, outputs, options and settings.


This track develops so smoothly and beautifully. Wonderful music! I’m obsessed with synth pads lately, and 3:40+ fed that urge on this Friday night.

And the Venom Push 5 looks like a compact way to add lots of push-buttons to a patch. I like that!


Another wonderful piece.

I never would have imagined feeding Linear Beats with Rhythm Explorer given that RE has the linear beats functionality built in. I haven’t studied your patch enough to see what you are doing there.

Ouch! That is certainly not what I intended! I can’t call it a bug or design flaw given that I completely forgot the to/from JSON code. It was simply a silly oversight. I have already fixed the code to store the value, and the fix will be in the next release. Thanks!


Yep. And each button can be individually configured for mode (trigger, gate, or toggle), on/off voltage, on/off color, and polyphony channel count. And of course like all Venom ports and controls, they can be given custom names, though the names only appear in the hover text and context menu.


That alone is an awesome feature for remembering how to perform the patch when I open it a year+ later. I’m definitely going to use that for my more performative patches.

Oh, that was a ultra-fast bug fix! I think, the idea to feed Linear Beats with RE was just 1) to leverage all the available clocks from RE, 2) but set different modes (linear, all, all new, etc.) in LB than in RE, 3) toggle the inputs to LB via Expander with some random outputs from RE. In the end, the purpose was to get different rhythmic patterns from LB (drums and percussion) than from RE (lead voice and bass). And just to try both modules. It probably could be done more efficiently than my chaotic patching… :slight_smile:

However it works - it sounds terrific!

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As promised, here is a link to my May 26 performance at the Music City open mic in Catonsville (Baltimore), MD, where I play Native American flute and sing alongside Minor Noise’s second Venom Take Five patch submission.


This is exquisite. I admire and am quite amazed about your ways of creating these tapestries with just a few modules. Congratulations on a very creative patch!


Beautiful, relaxing! The flute and the patch go well together, nice idea to pair them in a performance :clap:.


Wow, thank you for providing the video and, of course, especially for using my patch! I had never expected that any live audience would ever hear it. Your play of the flute joins seamlessly with the patch. I really like it! Your own voice singing to the patch was a surprise, and the quiet, dark and somewhat mysterious mood reminded me, despite the obviously different octave range, of one of my favorite blends of human voice and electronic music. It seems to be a cool event with an audience very open to different styles of music! I hope, they didn’t get nervous and were running out onto the street when Benjolin 8 came in. :smiley:

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Wow - that is the second time someone has compared one of my performances with Lisa Gerrard / Dead Can Dance. Thanks!

And thanks for your beautiful patch - it fits perfectly with much of what I do.

I used to sing a lot of serious scored choral music, but hadn’t done much singing since I discovered the Native American flute. That instrument became a conduit for my own musical voice via improvisation. Only in the past year or so have I started adding improvised vocalizations to go with the flute and synth. Up until now that still has been infrequent, but I am hoping to do it more often. I wish I could improvise lyrics, but that will never happen.

Certainly no one ran for the streets - the room was in rapt attention and dead silent - pretty cool. And afterward that piece got a lot of compliments as well!

Rob Hinkal has been consistently running amazing open mics for many years in the Baltimore area. I pretty much follow him wherever he goes. During Covid he started a virtual Zoom open mic that saved a lot of musicians sanity, including my own. I have a bunch of decent recordings from that event that I am slowly (very slowly) getting mixed into an album called “Fundamental Air”. They are all on my YouTube channel using my own live mix. My buddy is an audio engineer and he is whipping them into shape for an album. Here is a very dark one with my original mix that happens to include synth, flute, and voice - Sofia After Dark.

Sorry everyone for hijacking the thread a bit.

To bring it back around - thanks @Alphagem-O for creating this challenge, and thanks to all for the wonderful submissions. I really am thrilled to see my plugin in action in other people’s hands!


Wow that was just incredible! I love the combination of live performance with the ambient VCV music, it’s really magical. Very inspiring work you guys. Seeing a collaboration like this randomly happen in its own natural way on the forum is really a delight.