VenomTakeFive Challenge (May 2024)

I don’t know what to say…simply jaw dropping…never heard of the Bohlen-Pierce scale, so will do some reading-up on this…

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@MinorNoise, this is a wonderful composition. Very fun to listen to. I suspect you listened to it too much while you were making it, thus dulling your own enthusiasm. It is far from lifeless! It sounds surprisingly natural for an alternative tuning, and definitely fresh and exotic.


Thank you! I guess I was mainly disappointed by the failed chord progression when comparing it with the great Bohlen-Pierce harmonies that Elaine Walker created in one of the linked videos. But well, she has more than 30 years experience with that scale. I probably expected too much from my first attempt in regard to harmonic movement… :slight_smile:

After my first patch did not feature any Benjolin Oscillator, I created a second patch that’s using 8 of them. I’m using this oscillator mainly as a noise source in the patch. It’s really great and very versatile for this purpose.

The last of the 8 oscillators is less noisy and feels a bit like an outsider in the overall atmosphere. You won’t overhear it. I could not resist to leave it in the patch because it’s so funny: The oscillator has a completely static configuration, just one output to the mixer, no modulation, no changes of any setting during the whole patch, and yet it’s doing its own random thing… pitch, length, repetitions, how often it is hearable at all.

I’m sorry that the recording has a length of about 07:30 and exceeds the 5-minutes range quite a bit. But the piece is so slow that a shorter recording felt too rushed to me.


@MinorNoise : Totally support your decision to make it 7:30 mins…what a beautiful ambient composition…I could see this work as background music in some dramatic fantasy movie scene or so…


I think you hit another home run with that patch. I downloaded the patch and listened to it for hours last night as I was adding new features to my up and coming VCO LAB module for Venom 2.8 (a bit of a teaser!)

I hope to use your patch as a “backing track” for some Native American flute (and maybe voice?) improvisation at an open mic this Sunday. The event is typically recorded and posted on YouTube at a later date. I will post a link if/when that happens.

I am glad to see you are disovering / appreciating the beautiful chaos that a Benjolin generates with just a handful of components! I have spent many hours exploring autogenerative possibilities with my Benjolin emulations and my Benjolin Oscillator. The range is astounding. Here is one example using two instances of the Benjolin Oscillator - Benjolin Safari.

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Thank you!

Thank you! Oh, that combination with the flute would be interesting. I’m very curious about the result if it’s going to happen.

Wow, the soundscape with so few modules together with the huge Valhalla reverb in the Benjolin Safari is really amazing! Yes, I noticed that there is even more potential when I was experimenting with the Benjolin Oscillator, but for this particular patch I was actively trying to avoid too “pitched” noises to prevent too many dissonant clashes with the harmonies in the patch. Perhaps, the crazier side of the Benjolin might be something for another patch in future…

One more week to go… Create, submit, enjoy… … … :headphones:

Good thread, great submissions. Here is mine, quite simple, but gave Venom collection a try. Benjolin, Quantizer and Rythm explorer are my favourites, will use them from now on. Patch is inspired by number stations and noisy radio broadcasts.

Patchstorage link: patchstorage com/transmission-partially-lost/


Oh how cool that is. You have created a very nice concept. I like it a lot, especially the push 5 of Venom are used here really cleverly. You can fade in and out nicely.

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Another fine patch. I listened to it on the tube. Really great. But unfortunately I can’t get your patch to work properly. The pian and the celo don’t get a trigger anywhere. I’ll have to take another look at it. I don’t have much time these days to play around with VCV in peace and quiet. But many thanks for your patches. Have a good one.

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Yeah cool…, that’s absolutely right, the transmission is partially lost. You did a good job.

Thank you! It could be that you didn’t click the “Select” button on the SW2 switch (somewhere in the top left corner). It selects channel 2 of the switch that routes the LFO into the patch controlling the probability of the gates for Piano and Cello. With channel 1 of the switch the probability is zero.

Now, I remember that I wanted to study mixer channel 7 of your patch, this panned noise with a timbre like from the Sapphire Tube. Instead, I listened multiple times to your patch to figure it out by just listening. Didn’t work… :slight_smile:

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Instructions are in the Patchstorage writeup:

I think it could be simplified by using a voltage controlled switch instead, such as the Bogaudio Switch. The same button signal that resets the LFO can toggle the switch.

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Fun patch with cool sounds. I see that you succeeded in using Recurse in a way that it was designed to be used, yet not in a specific way that I had tried yet. Nice.

This was fun!

Didn’t include the sample (two drum bars from Radiohead - Weird Fishes/Arpeggi) but otherwise, patch here (should be quite fun with just the two top rows:)

… and if this was a trick to make us make more use of Dave’s modules, it succeeded:) I see a couple of my new fav utilities.


purf always brings it in!

I always think it would be nice if purf used pachde Null for the light bars and modulated the light. There’s a hidden jack under the bottom logo, and you can turn off all adornment in the right click menu.

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Did you spot the pachde blank? :wink: Think it’s only one that can do 2hp…(?)

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At the resolution of the video, I couldn’t really tell. I guess it’s also one of the few blanks with a glow that spills beyond the panel, which you can see in the video. It should go down to 1 hp.

Now it just needs the (invisible) input patched so that the lights pulse. You can animate the color of Null too by extending with a Copper or Copper Mini and modulating Copper.