venom reformation

this module is so cool. are there any others similar?

Reformation is heavily inspired by the Klavis Flexshaper Eurorack module. I don’t think there are any other VCV modules that have quite the same functionality.

I suspect MindMeld Shapemaster can do similar things, but I don’t use it much, so I am not sure.

The Nysthi BZ-Mapper coupled with its expanders can do similar things, except it uses Bezier curves to interpolate between the way points instead of linear interpolation.


I agree reformation is really cool. PDarray can do similar things but is also a lot harder to use. DocB Formula One and any other scripting modules can do any mapping functions you can dream up of course, but you then have to write the code. Shapemaster in CV Playhead Mode is probably the easiest to use alternative.

awesome, thanks so much for the tips. klavis rules, i had not yet seen their flexshaper…

i keep meaning to dig deeper into shapemaster. i use it for the most “mundane” things, and its probably capable of nearly anything.

Yeah, PD Array has some overlap. But it doesn’t have a way to modulate the shape, whereas Reformation provides 10 CV inputs for the 5 way points, all of which can be modulated at audio rates. Conversely, PD Array can do a bunch of things Reformation cannot.

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just briefly tested pdarray and bz. i must say the only one thats useful for my needs is reformation. SO cool

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Great to hear! Thanks.

I first ran into Klavis when I saw a video about their Grainity filter - I thought the concept was cool, and created a VCV patch emulating Grainity. I never really meshed with the results. But I checked out the other Klavis modules and thought the Flexshaper looked like a cool concept, and couldn’t find anything similar for VCV. And thus Reformation was born.


Ooooh yeah that is a good point.