Venom Development blog

I have started development for Venom v2.10.

Here are the changes I have so far:


New Modules

  • VCO Unit


  • VCO Lab
    • Sum of Level parameter and Level CV now limited to 100%
      • Module context option to disable Level limit
      • Old patches default to unlimited
    • Level CV can now be configured for unipolar or bipolar (ring mod) input
      • Default is unipolar
      • Old patches default to bipolar
    • Level CV Ring Mod context menu option renamed VCA unity = 5V
    • Square Full PWM shape option color changed from blue to orange to match new VCO Unit module

Stable binaries are available at New VCO Unit module · DaveBenham/VenomModules@9353c48 · GitHub


@Schabbes requested a much smaller version of VCO Lab with only one selectable waveform output at a time. I liked the idea, and VCO Unit is the result.

I have also made a number of VCO changes for the VCO Lab Level controls, and incorporated that design into VCO Unit. Besides increasing versatility, I think the changes make the Level section more intuitive.

I plan to develop two additional modules for this release:

Mouse Pad

Inspired by @ScreenSlave’s Controller Strip Effect post, I constructed a prototype as a proof of concept using existing modules. It allows you to press the Alt key and move the mouse to generate X and Y CV values. The intent is to provide a virtual 2D controller pad that is always available - no need to interact with a particular module.

Circle Fade

A circular cross fade for up to 16 channels of a polyphonic input. The width and envelope shape for each channel will be controllable. The channels will be distributed evenly around the time circle, but the envelope width allows many channels to overlap if you want. This will have similar functionality to the Crystal Palace Perspex, and Geodesics Pulsars, but of course with my own twists.

I’ve got a working prototype composed of existing modules, but I may simply wait until I can post the actual module.


Here are some waveform transformation options I plan to add to VCO Unit and probably VCO Lab. These are prototypes I implemented via VCO Lab. The Triangle, Square, and Saw waveforms will each get additional shape modes to access these transformations.

Perhaps the most important is the Saw transformation that includes the even waveform from the Befaco Even module. It has only even harmonics plus the fundamental. I talk about construction of this waveform at Constructing a Befaco even waveform with VCO Lab

Prototype Venom waveform morphing.vcv (6.4 KB)


I’ve added the following waveform morphing shape options to both VCO Unit and VCO Lab:

  • Triangle: sine ↔ triangle ↔ square
  • Square: triangle ↔ square ↔ saw
  • Saw: square ↔ saw ↔ even

The Saw Normalized Rectify option effectively morphs triangle ↔ saw ↔ triangle

Binaries for v2.10.0dev2 are available at Fix global phase modulation of morphed waveforms · DaveBenham/VenomModules@a0f1c7b · GitHub


I’m playing around with two VCO Units modulating each other in various ways and am very happy with them.

Modulating the shape with a second oscillator is a really nice feature, especially with all those shape modes.

Maybe another morph on the Sine: sine ↔ triangle ↔ saw ↔ square ↔ impulse - to have that very common option in place, too ? It wouldn’t be symmetrical as the others that way, though…

Another interesting option is to use the offset as a mixer, so you don’t need a mixer to mix the ouputs of multiple VCOs and can just connect them to each others offset input, effectively chaining them. Should work the same way as a mixer, right? Except that the input can never get louder than the oscillator it’s plugged into.