VCV Reverb and Convolver

yeah, I was also very surprised, hope it gets fixed before too long…

Oh, right, you said that. Sorry :wink: Have you tried increasing the number of cores as a work-around? But, yeah, does sound like something bad is happening…

doesn’t make a difference, actually goes only up for a couple more % (expected due to overhead), so far not seen any benefit of more cores than 1 on this M1 Mini…

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I have an, albeit faint, desire to maybe have a go at making a utility module and your docs, which I hadn’t seen before, might give me the push :slight_smile:


They have definitely helped me out!

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Thanks - shall do likewise!

Now 9 month laters, the salty downtalked user again:

The Convolver still not loading its presets with the IR??? Only showing the file name and a size of 0???

OSX 12.6.7 with 2.4.1

Think you still need NO tester for your Apple versions?


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