VCV recorder - not showing up

I’ve added and removed it and restarted the application dozens of times, and it refuses to show me VCV recorder. What am I doing wrong?

Are you on a Mac with Apple Silicon? I seem to recall someone saying it doesn’t have an ARM build yet.

it certainly has an arm64 build, I see it fine in my arm64 Rack

What version of Rack are you running 2.4.1 ?

Thanks for the info - I can’t check for myself, because the new availability indicator in the library only shows up if you’re browsing from a Mac, which makes it harder to help people.

So, it’s some other issue.

One thing to try is go to the plugins folder, manually delete the plugin’s folder. This forces it to be downloaded and reinstalled (assuming the subscription is live). If the recorder plugin folder isn’t there, but there is a .vcvplugin, then there might be an issue unpacking the plugin file.

In any case, the Rack log.txt should contain some clues.

See this:

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